This is my first trial post from mobile blogger (from my iPhone) to include the location in the post... To test out an alternative method to tell the world that I'm on the move :)
Yes, there's always a first... the first time I do this, the first time I come across this, the first time I make a different decision, the first time I take a different route,.......... "Growth means change & Change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown" (George Shinn) 从来,没有想过可以滔滔不绝,口若悬河, 既然可顺口成章!哈!或许,心情,随着年龄的年长,越来越容易带动情绪。。。
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Saturday, October 13, 2012
2 weeks ago this time...
Went to the Airport apps. the display showed the departure flight to Narita. I was at Changi airport, just checked in for my flight to New York.
Indeed, this trip reminded me of my study trip to London in 2007 with SS :)
(Note: first posting from my mobile phone blogger apps)
Indeed, this trip reminded me of my study trip to London in 2007 with SS :)
(Note: first posting from my mobile phone blogger apps)
Sunday, October 07, 2012
人是微妙的动物,想法永远是那么的复杂;也因为这样, 也让他们的行为因人而异,对事物的看法与对待,也非常的不一样( 有时,甚至有"里说当然的态度)。
在纽约,可以看到极富有的,周身名牌挂帅的, 同时也看到了潦倒街头的露宿客。那是那么巨大的差别!当然, 我也不知道在新加坡,是否也有露宿客,但我相信, 不会在乌节路或栅敦道找到露宿节头,无家可归的人吧!
生活素质的差异,塑造了不同人的思想和行为。 也因此带动了社会的经济(繁荣或穷困),社会的稳定(或不安?) 。在纽约,他的差异是非常得明显的,同时他们(尤其是黑人) 的反应是及大的,及为显注的。也许,是历史的理由吧! 再看看本地(新加坡),也许我们应该感到庆幸的是,即使有差异, 我们的反应也不过尔尔,也许大家都持有比较包容的态度吧!其实, 说真的,我们的社会也不应许太大的反应。
在仔细地看看周围的人,很多时候, 都因为生活素质的改善而开始追逐更好的东西。当让, 那也包括了名牌。那是最直接的追逐!我也不否认, 因为经济的允许,我也会挑剔地选择了一些牌子。当然, 每个人都有选择牌子的权利。即使最便宜的,它,还是有牌子的。 譬如说,母亲那一代用的"雪花膏" 与今天较为普遍的Loreal,和"更"名牌的Estée Lauder 与SK II - 都有人用。它们的价格,可是天渊之别;但它们都有自己的市场。 当然,原因可能有二:使用者的经济能力( 有的是可能渴望但负担不起),使用者对物质的概念(可用, 可达到基本的要求就好了)。其实,我认为,只要认识到大环境, 不是过分奢侈就好了。
有朋友是"识货者",因此周身都是名牌。当然, 在识货者遇上识货者时,大家都肯容易的交流他们的心得。当然, 因为认识他们,也知道他们对生活素质的看法, 因此也不会觉得怎么样。哈哈,他们其实也很努力的"教育" 我如何去认识名牌。
其实,有时真的不了解他们的思想。譬如说, 在离新到纽约之前,就有好几位友人千提醒,万交代, 得抓紧机会疯狂购物,因为价钱比新加坡的便宜上好几倍;当然, 同行的同事也时不时提醒我勿错过买"便宜货"的良机。
有些人,也用牌子来衡量自己的生活素质。有些朋友, 随着经济的应许,追求的牌子越来越昂贵,在他们的眼里, 他们的生活素质被提高了!他日,如果他们开始经济下滑的话, 无非常常购买更贵的牌子时;他们是否能够适应吗?
Isn't this a 'need' vs a 'want'?
Isn't this a 'need' vs a 'want'?
每次付出的代价都是十分的大。代价,多时都是机会, 当然也有感受。相信,认识我的朋友,都认同这一点。所以, 无可否认,在他们的眼里,(偶尔)我会很不理智地作出(在他们眼里)我不该做出的选择。也许,是令他们感到出乎意料之外的选择吧!
在很多人的眼里,我是个很理智的人。可是,我的任性,偶尔,必要时, 也会很理智的说服"理智",去否绝之前的想法。
Tuesday, October 02, 2012
My "Happy-Buy" in this NYC Trip... ChromeBook
This is one of the rare few items that I had the urge to buy... :)
It's not because I am a fan of new electronics stuff, which most of my friends knew or those who do not know me so well assumed that I do :P One of the 'evidences' is I only own my iPhone 4S after almost 6 months after it was released; and I think probably I'll 'skip' the next couple of 'versions'/'models' before I move on to another one.
I don't have an eye for electronics, and I hardly go for the latest... the "buy" is largely derived from "needs"; and even if it's a "want", it's after much thinking... and certainly, I'm never one of those who would line up outside the store for any new release :)
The Chromebook, on the other hand, has caught my attention when it was first introduced by Suan Yeo in one of our discussions in the school. Definitely, in terms of weight, it does not qualify if one is looking for portability. In terms of look... hm... it looked like a normal notebook. So, not attractive, right? In fact, it was 'lacking' to a large extent, for those who likes to work with applications in the computer.
On the other hand, I guess it's the simple and minimalistic feature that caught my attention - of course, not for my personal use, but for my nephew and even possibly my parents - people who do not require much computing power, but just to surf the web! That's beautiful isn't it? It saved us the hassle of making sure the latest anti-virus software to be updated (when you talk about everything's in the web); and another feature I like most is... I'm free from the hassle of upgrading the OS all the time - the different versions of Windows, or the different 'animals' (in the Mac OS)! This, in fact, is the greatest 'draw' :)
Unfortunately, such device is not available in the Singapore store. Haiz... and probably will not be shipped over to Singapore (owing to the fact that it's an electronic item that comes with battery). Actually, I learnt that it's not easy to get it in US too... But, thanks to Aurelius who actually hunt the Chromebook down - at "Best Buy"... I guess, it's my happiest buy in this trip... not that I've gotten something ahead of others, but it's something that I see is designed to suit the needs of a specific group of users very well.
Chromebook could be the trendsetter of how most users are going to behave (moving into cloud) in the near future; I still believe that non-cloud devices are still here to stay. Basically, it serves a growing niche of clientele.
It's not because I am a fan of new electronics stuff, which most of my friends knew or those who do not know me so well assumed that I do :P One of the 'evidences' is I only own my iPhone 4S after almost 6 months after it was released; and I think probably I'll 'skip' the next couple of 'versions'/'models' before I move on to another one.
I don't have an eye for electronics, and I hardly go for the latest... the "buy" is largely derived from "needs"; and even if it's a "want", it's after much thinking... and certainly, I'm never one of those who would line up outside the store for any new release :)
The Chromebook, on the other hand, has caught my attention when it was first introduced by Suan Yeo in one of our discussions in the school. Definitely, in terms of weight, it does not qualify if one is looking for portability. In terms of look... hm... it looked like a normal notebook. So, not attractive, right? In fact, it was 'lacking' to a large extent, for those who likes to work with applications in the computer.
On the other hand, I guess it's the simple and minimalistic feature that caught my attention - of course, not for my personal use, but for my nephew and even possibly my parents - people who do not require much computing power, but just to surf the web! That's beautiful isn't it? It saved us the hassle of making sure the latest anti-virus software to be updated (when you talk about everything's in the web); and another feature I like most is... I'm free from the hassle of upgrading the OS all the time - the different versions of Windows, or the different 'animals' (in the Mac OS)! This, in fact, is the greatest 'draw' :)
Unfortunately, such device is not available in the Singapore store. Haiz... and probably will not be shipped over to Singapore (owing to the fact that it's an electronic item that comes with battery). Actually, I learnt that it's not easy to get it in US too... But, thanks to Aurelius who actually hunt the Chromebook down - at "Best Buy"... I guess, it's my happiest buy in this trip... not that I've gotten something ahead of others, but it's something that I see is designed to suit the needs of a specific group of users very well.
Chromebook could be the trendsetter of how most users are going to behave (moving into cloud) in the near future; I still believe that non-cloud devices are still here to stay. Basically, it serves a growing niche of clientele.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Recently have been watching and following some Korean dramas.
Notice that the songs of these dramas seem to follow a certain kind of genre (hm... the tunes). Though they don't sound 'modern' but it hooks on to one's emotion very well.
Here are some of them that I put in a playlist.
Notice that the songs of these dramas seem to follow a certain kind of genre (hm... the tunes). Though they don't sound 'modern' but it hooks on to one's emotion very well.
Here are some of them that I put in a playlist.
"Attitude + Openmindness" goes beyond watching from windows :)
I must admit that I'm one of those who are not too adventurous... and often takes a longer time to get to like certain new technologies, while everyone out there are already dived in to enjoy the features and conveniences.
I guess, it's the 'self-buying-in' process, which I'm not sure if there's such a theory out there... that's to convince myself the usefulness and relevance to my context... I guess, unconsciously, I'm weighing against the "need" and "want" in my OWN context. And it's quite often, the 'want' becomes a 'need' after sometime, though it might take years. So, it's no doubt that I would take a longer "wait" time to come onboard.
Of course, I won't go to the extent of asking others to convince me why the technology is good for me. Because I don't believe in bulldozing people around for things that are not their 'need'.
For instance, the first iPhone was introduced in 2007. People around me were excited over it, though I was not surrounded by many Apple fans. I think, at that time, people were excited over the touch technology introduced to the phones rather than just the Apple iPhone. I was not drawn to it because I had no prior experience with any Apple products, neither do I think there's a "need" that needed be addressed by what the iPhone provided. See, there is 'no need' in this situation. Nevertheless, I guess the environment has changed over time, my 'needs' have changed over time (though sometimes, when I look at it, it's more like addressing to some 'desires' (rather than need)).
Anyway, what held me back was also other concerns or perhaps confidence if the iPhone/ iDevice could address to - "Would the small screen be good enough for my 'fat' fingers?" Hahaha... It might sound funny, but it's my concern because of my prior experience with the less developed touch-technology.
Note: It's after more than 5 years, I watched the launch clip (MacWorld 2007) for the first time today, I learnt that Apple has done a great job through its unique and charismatic way - creating a leapfrog experience to the users at that time. I'm impressed :)
I think, environment has a great influence on attitude - in terms of acceptance... or at least because of the 'unavoidable' interaction, that's where one grows to know the 'alien' stuff better and to become more open to it? The first time I touched the macbook pro was in 2009 because of work. A few units were handed to us for a few weeks to 'experience' its 'power'. Ironically, I only opened up the box just 2 days before returning it. Haha... I was obviously not curious over it (despite of some hypes from my fellow colleagues). Nevertheless, as it's a decision to go ahead with the device (which I was never against it, though it would be a steep learning curve), we'll just bite the bullet and go. Well, well, it was a good one... and there's where the relationship with the Mac products started to grow :)
I am please to say, it's through the on-going interaction (that I'm open to it) that has gotten me to start to appreciate the features - this is not what needed to be convinced by others, but I guess it's my openness and willingness to try it out and the 'appreciation' comes from within. Oh yes, I would say, it's the 'buying in' process, which is not initiated by external factors. Isn't this powerful?! It's a beautiful experience from discovery to buying in...
My acceptance to the macbook has no impact on my view on my 'needs' to have an iPhone till iPad arrived... very timely to address to some curiosity that I 'believe' the iPhone would not attract me to explore - the 'gigantic' touchpad. Haha... this time, I'm quite sure my 'fat' fingers can fit in well :) The experience was a good one, when it's almost a mirror to the phone except it's not a phone :) That created a bridge between me and the iPhone. Yes, I must admit, somehow it's "the point of no return". Haha...
The next 'new' wave is the chrome browser. Yes, it was there since we brought in the first batch of macbooks. However, I'm comfortable with Safari (though I'm not against Chrome, neither do I have reasons for that? What for? Haha). Nevertheless, through the Google Summit attended recently, I learnt that there are several features which were demonstrated were really attractive! Yes.... I guess I'm now going through the buying-in process - not that I'm not using it, but it's like in the process of reaching the stage that I'll say, "YES! it's my choice browser!" Definitely, I think the browser is trying to create an experience that's similar to the iPhone/ iPad, and it really helps - to draw my attention and curiosity to try it out :)
I guess, it's the 'self-buying-in' process, which I'm not sure if there's such a theory out there... that's to convince myself the usefulness and relevance to my context... I guess, unconsciously, I'm weighing against the "need" and "want" in my OWN context. And it's quite often, the 'want' becomes a 'need' after sometime, though it might take years. So, it's no doubt that I would take a longer "wait" time to come onboard.
Of course, I won't go to the extent of asking others to convince me why the technology is good for me. Because I don't believe in bulldozing people around for things that are not their 'need'.
- That also explains why someone pressed my "hot button" for telling me to convince him why he must use certain technology for teaching and learning. Why must I convince you when you are not even open to taking peek or look?
For instance, the first iPhone was introduced in 2007. People around me were excited over it, though I was not surrounded by many Apple fans. I think, at that time, people were excited over the touch technology introduced to the phones rather than just the Apple iPhone. I was not drawn to it because I had no prior experience with any Apple products, neither do I think there's a "need" that needed be addressed by what the iPhone provided. See, there is 'no need' in this situation. Nevertheless, I guess the environment has changed over time, my 'needs' have changed over time (though sometimes, when I look at it, it's more like addressing to some 'desires' (rather than need)).
Anyway, what held me back was also other concerns or perhaps confidence if the iPhone/ iDevice could address to - "Would the small screen be good enough for my 'fat' fingers?" Hahaha... It might sound funny, but it's my concern because of my prior experience with the less developed touch-technology.
Note: It's after more than 5 years, I watched the launch clip (MacWorld 2007) for the first time today, I learnt that Apple has done a great job through its unique and charismatic way - creating a leapfrog experience to the users at that time. I'm impressed :)
I think, environment has a great influence on attitude - in terms of acceptance... or at least because of the 'unavoidable' interaction, that's where one grows to know the 'alien' stuff better and to become more open to it? The first time I touched the macbook pro was in 2009 because of work. A few units were handed to us for a few weeks to 'experience' its 'power'. Ironically, I only opened up the box just 2 days before returning it. Haha... I was obviously not curious over it (despite of some hypes from my fellow colleagues). Nevertheless, as it's a decision to go ahead with the device (which I was never against it, though it would be a steep learning curve), we'll just bite the bullet and go. Well, well, it was a good one... and there's where the relationship with the Mac products started to grow :)
I am please to say, it's through the on-going interaction (that I'm open to it) that has gotten me to start to appreciate the features - this is not what needed to be convinced by others, but I guess it's my openness and willingness to try it out and the 'appreciation' comes from within. Oh yes, I would say, it's the 'buying in' process, which is not initiated by external factors. Isn't this powerful?! It's a beautiful experience from discovery to buying in...
My acceptance to the macbook has no impact on my view on my 'needs' to have an iPhone till iPad arrived... very timely to address to some curiosity that I 'believe' the iPhone would not attract me to explore - the 'gigantic' touchpad. Haha... this time, I'm quite sure my 'fat' fingers can fit in well :) The experience was a good one, when it's almost a mirror to the phone except it's not a phone :) That created a bridge between me and the iPhone. Yes, I must admit, somehow it's "the point of no return". Haha...
The next 'new' wave is the chrome browser. Yes, it was there since we brought in the first batch of macbooks. However, I'm comfortable with Safari (though I'm not against Chrome, neither do I have reasons for that? What for? Haha). Nevertheless, through the Google Summit attended recently, I learnt that there are several features which were demonstrated were really attractive! Yes.... I guess I'm now going through the buying-in process - not that I'm not using it, but it's like in the process of reaching the stage that I'll say, "YES! it's my choice browser!" Definitely, I think the browser is trying to create an experience that's similar to the iPhone/ iPad, and it really helps - to draw my attention and curiosity to try it out :)
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Korean Dramas
Have been following several Korean dramas quite closely in the recent months... and notice a trend in some of these dramas: There are 2 parts to the entire story line... the childhood and the adulthood of the key characters.
Here are two recent productions that go along the same line (and coincidentally, the lead actor is the same)
(1) Can you hear my heart? - a 2011 production
with a tragic beginning when the main character was a teenager; "disappeared" in thin air for several years before returning to home and re-united with his children sweetheart
(2) May Queen - the latest addition to the list
which started with talking about the childhood days - then one of the characters left and returned, and part 2 of the story starts with a reunion.
Here are two recent productions that go along the same line (and coincidentally, the lead actor is the same)
(1) Can you hear my heart? - a 2011 production
with a tragic beginning when the main character was a teenager; "disappeared" in thin air for several years before returning to home and re-united with his children sweetheart
- At Wikipedia:
- At Drama Wiki:
(2) May Queen - the latest addition to the list
which started with talking about the childhood days - then one of the characters left and returned, and part 2 of the story starts with a reunion.
Thursday, September 06, 2012
Chasing after stars (er... celebrities)
It seems like... I'm too "old" to talk about this... Hm... 'cos I've already "passed" that age for a long long time! Isn't this something that the youngsters will go after? Hm... Well, while I had gone through that stage (being a youngster), it was never in me to 'chase' after the celebrities, meaning to follow their news closely... basically, to 'idolise' (ok, for a better word) anyone. Well, I had a collection of photographs of 山口百惠. Oh yes, one of the well-known Japanese stars! I had a collection of photographs of Andy Lau and Tony Leung too! That time, they were still actors in TVB drama series! Haha... That tells how old I am! I guess there was a limit to everything, and at that time, technology (e.g. Internet) was not in the picture yet. As such, there was no Facebook or any means to follow the news except papers and magazines!
However, today is so different! Blogs, Twitters and Facebook Fan pages are all over the place! Something which I found quite amazing how the celebrities kept their fans engaged. In fact, recently, I 'liked' the fan pages of two Korean actors and start to learn how fans are being engaged.
In fact, it really depends a lot on how what the administrators of these groups do! Or in other words, how 'conscientious' are they in the job. After following the pages for 2 weeks, indeed, I suspect, for one of the Fan pages I follow, someone is engaged as a full-time administrator.
Let's see the difference!
The first one is Kwon Sang Woo's page
If we look closely, actually the page is only updated like once a week? Of course, it could be because it's his 'low' period when no filming is going on? Not really.
Next, let's look at another one: Kim Jae Won
If we look at the dates of the posts, it is not difficult to find that there is an average of 3 posts everyday; and the first post of the day usually happen to be in the morning, when it's just a photo of him (I think it's also pretty carefully selected) with a few words of morning greetings! Definitely, there's much higher engagement of this compared to the previous one!
Well, it's always nice to be greeted by the beautiful face of your idol in the morning, right?
Ha! Somehow, I think there's this psychological aspect that plays a part in this whole engagement.
I guess there's a difference in terms of the age group of fans, too! Well, it's an interesting phenomenon that I have least expected!
However, today is so different! Blogs, Twitters and Facebook Fan pages are all over the place! Something which I found quite amazing how the celebrities kept their fans engaged. In fact, recently, I 'liked' the fan pages of two Korean actors and start to learn how fans are being engaged.
In fact, it really depends a lot on how what the administrators of these groups do! Or in other words, how 'conscientious' are they in the job. After following the pages for 2 weeks, indeed, I suspect, for one of the Fan pages I follow, someone is engaged as a full-time administrator.
Let's see the difference!
The first one is Kwon Sang Woo's page
If we look closely, actually the page is only updated like once a week? Of course, it could be because it's his 'low' period when no filming is going on? Not really.
Next, let's look at another one: Kim Jae Won
If we look at the dates of the posts, it is not difficult to find that there is an average of 3 posts everyday; and the first post of the day usually happen to be in the morning, when it's just a photo of him (I think it's also pretty carefully selected) with a few words of morning greetings! Definitely, there's much higher engagement of this compared to the previous one!
Well, it's always nice to be greeted by the beautiful face of your idol in the morning, right?
Ha! Somehow, I think there's this psychological aspect that plays a part in this whole engagement.

I guess there's a difference in terms of the age group of fans, too! Well, it's an interesting phenomenon that I have least expected!
Friday, August 10, 2012
Thursday, August 09, 2012
20120809 Today's Reflection
Writing email, to many, is an easy task.
However, to write an email with your heart and soul, and sincerity, and to express one's feelings in an objective manner is no easy task. At least, it's not easy for me. Sometimes, it's really a tall order, but an inevitable task.
One important pointer given to us (when writing email) is:
Isn't it that's when we are responding to the situation in the most truthful manner?
Yes, perhaps, at that moment. When sometimes we are clouded or blinded by our emotions and therefore unable to assess the matter from various perspectives and put across our points of view in a more objective manner. Of course, one would argue the fact that, the points put across after the cooling down period is no longer a true reflection to the matter, or the impact would be been reduced tremendously? Yes, I do agree to a certain extent. However, We must not ignore the fact that words are mighty. It could cause damages that could be irreversible.
I think the other challenge that I experienced today, after spending about 4 hours to craft an (not very long) email, really is how to manage my emotion as I typed the words. Yes, when words and 'facts' generate emotions! That's scary isn't it?
Earlier, I said, the manage emotion then write - it's possible to do as one has already rationalised it.
However, when emotions make a come-back as one starts putting the down the words - that could be very tormenting... especially every single word is generated through one's heart and soul, and when we do not want it to sound emotional... 那是另一高境界!
However, to write an email with your heart and soul, and sincerity, and to express one's feelings in an objective manner is no easy task. At least, it's not easy for me. Sometimes, it's really a tall order, but an inevitable task.
One important pointer given to us (when writing email) is:
- Never write when you are emotional!
- If you have to write, do not click the 'Send' button.
Isn't it that's when we are responding to the situation in the most truthful manner?
Yes, perhaps, at that moment. When sometimes we are clouded or blinded by our emotions and therefore unable to assess the matter from various perspectives and put across our points of view in a more objective manner. Of course, one would argue the fact that, the points put across after the cooling down period is no longer a true reflection to the matter, or the impact would be been reduced tremendously? Yes, I do agree to a certain extent. However, We must not ignore the fact that words are mighty. It could cause damages that could be irreversible.
I think the other challenge that I experienced today, after spending about 4 hours to craft an (not very long) email, really is how to manage my emotion as I typed the words. Yes, when words and 'facts' generate emotions! That's scary isn't it?
Earlier, I said, the manage emotion then write - it's possible to do as one has already rationalised it.
However, when emotions make a come-back as one starts putting the down the words - that could be very tormenting... especially every single word is generated through one's heart and soul, and when we do not want it to sound emotional... 那是另一高境界!
Sunday, May 06, 2012
20120505: Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo
Had an enjoyable time on Saturday afternoon - a performance that changed what a 'ballet' is 'traditionally defined.
More info:
The storyline of Swan Lake
More info:
The storyline of Swan Lake
Friday, May 04, 2012
20120504 Today's Reflection
"Fading behind the scene" and eventually gone is no easy task... but it's something that I would have the next 6 months to work on.
It's not because how 'indispensable' I think I am, but it's how to ensure that processes carry on without disruption or much inconveniences caused to others. Of course, it's also about making sure that work is handed over properly as many bosses would not want to 'disturb' their ex-subordinates after they leave the organisation, and have to live in agony to tie the loose ends.
While having this in mind, I think there must be provision and enough support to this 'hand-over' to take place; at the same time, for forward planning, too. One must be wondering (or think it's joking) when talk about forward planning. Since going off, what else to plan forward? Well, while one leaves, it does not do justice to the organisation if all work remains status quo. In fact, to what extent is the organisation prepared 'wait' till the next person comes in to take up the role and move on from there? Also, bearing in mind not to ignore the most fundamental piece?
While groundwork has been done. One should not undermine the opposing current going on.
No matter how strong it is, taking it for granted would only bring the previous efforts back to square one, and one will remain battling in the vicious cycle.
It's not because how 'indispensable' I think I am, but it's how to ensure that processes carry on without disruption or much inconveniences caused to others. Of course, it's also about making sure that work is handed over properly as many bosses would not want to 'disturb' their ex-subordinates after they leave the organisation, and have to live in agony to tie the loose ends.
While having this in mind, I think there must be provision and enough support to this 'hand-over' to take place; at the same time, for forward planning, too. One must be wondering (or think it's joking) when talk about forward planning. Since going off, what else to plan forward? Well, while one leaves, it does not do justice to the organisation if all work remains status quo. In fact, to what extent is the organisation prepared 'wait' till the next person comes in to take up the role and move on from there? Also, bearing in mind not to ignore the most fundamental piece?
While groundwork has been done. One should not undermine the opposing current going on.
No matter how strong it is, taking it for granted would only bring the previous efforts back to square one, and one will remain battling in the vicious cycle.
20120504 Today's Reflection
Being high-handed destroys all the good reputation and trust that were built over time.
Good reputation and trust take time to built, just like the emotional bank. However, 'rich' it is, it's very vulnerable and sensitive to any words or actions that works against it. In fact, the worst is when all the 'good work' carried out to build the ground work is no longer seen as sincerity, but as a tool for a bigger interest. Not only that, it makes one feel being taken advantaged of, or worse, being betrayed!
This does not just apply to peer-to-peer interaction.
The damage would be even greater when the boss demonstrated traits of being "high-handed", or is deemed to be high-handed; the implication is, your action and thoughts are not longer sincere. Sincere to the goals that were originally set out for both the boss and the subordinate.
This would be a gentle reminder to ourselves, no matter where we are, what role we undertake, sincerity is important. 以诚待人.
Good reputation and trust take time to built, just like the emotional bank. However, 'rich' it is, it's very vulnerable and sensitive to any words or actions that works against it. In fact, the worst is when all the 'good work' carried out to build the ground work is no longer seen as sincerity, but as a tool for a bigger interest. Not only that, it makes one feel being taken advantaged of, or worse, being betrayed!
This does not just apply to peer-to-peer interaction.
The damage would be even greater when the boss demonstrated traits of being "high-handed", or is deemed to be high-handed; the implication is, your action and thoughts are not longer sincere. Sincere to the goals that were originally set out for both the boss and the subordinate.
This would be a gentle reminder to ourselves, no matter where we are, what role we undertake, sincerity is important. 以诚待人.
Thursday, May 03, 2012
20120503 Today's Reflection
The Circle is basically.... that small!!!
In organizations, people come, people go.
There's this Chinese saying, 山水有相逢which I think it serves as a very good reminder to us the importance of treating others well and part in good notes rather Han bearing grudge.
In fact, the educational circle here is very small. The longer we are in the service, the smaller our circle! Personally, I experience it!
Both good and bad experiences create can become deep seated reminders to us. How we manage our traits and trades travel with those whom we interact with. Good experiences generate positivity and draw us even closer to each other. Sometimes, words spread, sometimes don't. On the other hand, I'm quite certain that bad experiences are commonly shared, especially if the individuals' work attitudes was an issue.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
In organizations, people come, people go.
There's this Chinese saying, 山水有相逢which I think it serves as a very good reminder to us the importance of treating others well and part in good notes rather Han bearing grudge.
In fact, the educational circle here is very small. The longer we are in the service, the smaller our circle! Personally, I experience it!
Both good and bad experiences create can become deep seated reminders to us. How we manage our traits and trades travel with those whom we interact with. Good experiences generate positivity and draw us even closer to each other. Sometimes, words spread, sometimes don't. On the other hand, I'm quite certain that bad experiences are commonly shared, especially if the individuals' work attitudes was an issue.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
20120503 Today's Reflection
Conflicting messages from the same source, sending to different parties, when converged, can be confusing.
Sometimes, I just wonder, was it because one was unable to reconcile what they hope to see & get, and what's in the actual situation? As such, one is unable to control the situation, one tries an 'easy' way to put the cause of what doesn't go on smoothly on others?
Hm... is one in the self-denial situation? #iwonder
Haiz... it's sad, isn't it?
Sometimes, I just wonder, was it because one was unable to reconcile what they hope to see & get, and what's in the actual situation? As such, one is unable to control the situation, one tries an 'easy' way to put the cause of what doesn't go on smoothly on others?
Hm... is one in the self-denial situation? #iwonder
Haiz... it's sad, isn't it?
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
20120429 Today's Reflection
After note:
Indeed, there are excellent teachers who become excellent leaders! Something that many of us of experienced, in different schools. The key is really what's in their heart...
On the other hand, the reflection arises from observations of some leaders-in-the-making.
It's been rather scary (and to a large extent, disappointing) to see how some of these people have changed over time when they are placed in the leadership role. Or maybe that's when the true colours are shown when tested! Sigh...
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
20120425 Today's Reflection
After note:
In fact, when we are told someone values us, we are quite unlikely to doubt it (as an immediate response).
However, when the actions followed tell otherwise, that starts to make one think, have we been deceived by the 'sugar-coated' words?
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
20120420 Today's Reflection
After note:
Looking at the darker side of things, there are those who tap on good relationships with others so as to get help in crisis that arose as a result of one's shortcomings.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
#articleMe: 世事无绝对
The Sunday Times (20120415, Think 44)
This was brought up and talked about in the newspapers couple of weeks ago.
I guess it's a matter of perspective - the context has to be viewed from different angles and situation. The pros and cons are different, and may switch position in some cases.
It's just one of the many examples when it usually started off with one "over-protecting" one's stand or views, and sometimes, unknowingly put down or undermine the other perspective of things.
How often are we able to exercise our critical thinking skills and put across an objective stand over things?
Hm... maybe, if it's objective enough, such article would not be published in newspapers? Hahaha...
This was brought up and talked about in the newspapers couple of weeks ago.
I guess it's a matter of perspective - the context has to be viewed from different angles and situation. The pros and cons are different, and may switch position in some cases.
It's just one of the many examples when it usually started off with one "over-protecting" one's stand or views, and sometimes, unknowingly put down or undermine the other perspective of things.
How often are we able to exercise our critical thinking skills and put across an objective stand over things?
Hm... maybe, if it's objective enough, such article would not be published in newspapers? Hahaha...
#articleMe: It's about customising the TRANSFORMATION process...
The Straits Times (20120414, page A2)
The specialized schools serve a bigger purpose - a transformation, that requires a different kind of strategy and effort to make that quantum leap. It's a different yardstick indeed. It!s like a healthy teenager could have easily complete a 100m sprint, yet someone who has challenges with mobility would deem it an achievement. Hence, a very different kind of game after all.
The specialized schools serve a bigger purpose - a transformation, that requires a different kind of strategy and effort to make that quantum leap. It's a different yardstick indeed. It!s like a healthy teenager could have easily complete a 100m sprint, yet someone who has challenges with mobility would deem it an achievement. Hence, a very different kind of game after all.
#articleMe: From Films to Digital Images
The Sunday Times (20120415, Reflect 11)
The article reminded me of those old days when I have to pack one big bag of Fuji-36 films for trips! It was like 1.5 roll per day kind of estimation... Can imagine how much to bring and spent to develop the photos for a 10- day trip? I recall the 'investment' of those days was not limited to the initial cost - to get the films, but also to develop the photos (depending on the size 4R or 3R?) and also the additional development/ handling fee of about $2 to $5 per instance. On top of that, the album and the necessary 'accessories' to go with the album, without talking about the amount of time put in.
Technology and accessibility has changed our behavior!
From films and photo albums, we moved on to digital cameras where we could then select the photos before printing... yet, I could resist put them into albums. Then we progressed to the online albums... for me, it goes into the Travelogue which I started working on about 6 years ago.
Yes, memories were captured and now, is shared with a even wider audience...
It's convenient! It's cost saving! It's fast! We can do lots of fanciful things online....
On the other hand, I missed those days when I pieced the air tickets, receipts in the relevant sections of the album and writing down the little thoughts beside them...
Hm... the touch and feel...
The article reminded me of those old days when I have to pack one big bag of Fuji-36 films for trips! It was like 1.5 roll per day kind of estimation... Can imagine how much to bring and spent to develop the photos for a 10- day trip? I recall the 'investment' of those days was not limited to the initial cost - to get the films, but also to develop the photos (depending on the size 4R or 3R?) and also the additional development/ handling fee of about $2 to $5 per instance. On top of that, the album and the necessary 'accessories' to go with the album, without talking about the amount of time put in.
Technology and accessibility has changed our behavior!
From films and photo albums, we moved on to digital cameras where we could then select the photos before printing... yet, I could resist put them into albums. Then we progressed to the online albums... for me, it goes into the Travelogue which I started working on about 6 years ago.
Yes, memories were captured and now, is shared with a even wider audience...
It's convenient! It's cost saving! It's fast! We can do lots of fanciful things online....
On the other hand, I missed those days when I pieced the air tickets, receipts in the relevant sections of the album and writing down the little thoughts beside them...
Hm... the touch and feel...
#articleMe: Does the World stop changing because of what we are 'made' for?
The Straits Times (20120414, A36) Tailor grads to drive innovation.
An article that remind us to review the greater purpose of education. Are we still preparing students the same old way for that same old purpose for this revolving and evolving world? Hm... Food for thought :)
5 shortcomings that the author pointed out of what's 'produced' by the existing education system:
1. Relevance of knowledge
2. Regurgitation vs real world problem solving. It's about transferability across, not just discipline, but also hypothetical to real world situation.
3. The fear of failure - which means a change in our definition of the word, as well as our mindset.
4. Dealing with criticism. More importantly, what does the word mean, and how to criticize constructively and receiving it with an open mind to accomplish a common goal.
5. Failure to see the big picture. Apart from being able to see the big picture, it would also mean knowing the relationships across the entities in the system and how best to get them leverage on each other and synergise.
An article that remind us to review the greater purpose of education. Are we still preparing students the same old way for that same old purpose for this revolving and evolving world? Hm... Food for thought :)
5 shortcomings that the author pointed out of what's 'produced' by the existing education system:
1. Relevance of knowledge
2. Regurgitation vs real world problem solving. It's about transferability across, not just discipline, but also hypothetical to real world situation.
3. The fear of failure - which means a change in our definition of the word, as well as our mindset.
4. Dealing with criticism. More importantly, what does the word mean, and how to criticize constructively and receiving it with an open mind to accomplish a common goal.
5. Failure to see the big picture. Apart from being able to see the big picture, it would also mean knowing the relationships across the entities in the system and how best to get them leverage on each other and synergise.
#articleMe: Good bye to peep-peep Pagers
The Straits Times (20120414, B1)
A piece of technological innovation that has become the past. I never own a pager, but I recall the excitement of those who owned that 'new' toy which started to connect people around. I guess that marked the beginning of this whole new idea of connectivity. That was the start of the quantum leap :)
A piece of technological innovation that has become the past. I never own a pager, but I recall the excitement of those who owned that 'new' toy which started to connect people around. I guess that marked the beginning of this whole new idea of connectivity. That was the start of the quantum leap :)
Re-igniting the passion...
This morning, at last have some time to give my mind a break... while that doesn't mean that I have finished all my marking (in fact, 4 stacks of papers still 'staring' at me and asking me when I'll touch them). Realised that I've not blogged for a long long time... blog like what I used to... on matters that touch my heart or things I observe, or my reflections...
No doubt, the past months were crazy... and also have been struggling on what's going on around me... and also doing some soul searching...
I guess, it's time to pick up the old habit and documenting my thoughts and responses to things around me... yes, coming back to blogging....
and I think I found a new way to do it... using newspapers articles as one of the avenues... also for me to reflect, too :)
Also, inspired by some colleagues like Irfan and Serene, who started with this everyday thematic postings... I probably would not have the discipline to do it everyday, but I think an (or at least one) article a weekend would be something good to start off with.
Perhaps I should hashtag it #articleMe
No doubt, the past months were crazy... and also have been struggling on what's going on around me... and also doing some soul searching...
I guess, it's time to pick up the old habit and documenting my thoughts and responses to things around me... yes, coming back to blogging....
and I think I found a new way to do it... using newspapers articles as one of the avenues... also for me to reflect, too :)
Also, inspired by some colleagues like Irfan and Serene, who started with this everyday thematic postings... I probably would not have the discipline to do it everyday, but I think an (or at least one) article a weekend would be something good to start off with.
Perhaps I should hashtag it #articleMe
Sunday, April 01, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Reading "5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace (II)
Continued to read the chapter... next one, Words of Affirmation...
It highlighted the following as the most common settings in which words of affirmation can be spoken effectively:
Not one, but a few of my bosses (over the past 10 years) had reaffirmed that, especially during the annual work review, I'm a valuable asset of the organisation. Those words, till today, remain printed in my mind.
While some have this stereotyped notion that Asians usually reserve their praises, I'm fortunate that my bosses are generous to praise, it's an acknowledgement of the effort that brought about the desired outcomes. And of course, it's not just verbal, but also written forms.
Thankful for the acknowledgement... and tells me, yes, you are doing well, on the right track.
On the other hand, is this enough to keep me going?
What else to be done to consistently send the same message out, so that it would not be seen as a choreographed kind of 'pats on the shoulder'? What has made me think otherwise? One would be surprise why one could be so 'ungrateful'???? From another point of view, it's just a means to tell one that you are doing the right things (i.e. stating the fact), and so... "I" actually deserve it!
I think one important thing is, those who give the affirmation has to be consistent in sending the messages and in the 'appropriate manner', and how "other" messages are conveyed? Inconsistency kills the ground work and good work done. It would be misinterpreted as being hypocrite! One one hand, one is 'made' to believe of being 'valued', on the other hand, one's 'destiny' (or what one would do) lies in the supervisor's hands to decide how to manipulate the resources? No one likes to feel like a chip on the chess board! That's how one is made to believe that one has been "valued"??????
Alignment in messaging and one's action matters!
It highlighted the following as the most common settings in which words of affirmation can be spoken effectively:
- Personal, one-to-one
- Praise in front of others
- Written affirmation
- Public affirmation
Not one, but a few of my bosses (over the past 10 years) had reaffirmed that, especially during the annual work review, I'm a valuable asset of the organisation. Those words, till today, remain printed in my mind.
While some have this stereotyped notion that Asians usually reserve their praises, I'm fortunate that my bosses are generous to praise, it's an acknowledgement of the effort that brought about the desired outcomes. And of course, it's not just verbal, but also written forms.
Thankful for the acknowledgement... and tells me, yes, you are doing well, on the right track.
On the other hand, is this enough to keep me going?
What else to be done to consistently send the same message out, so that it would not be seen as a choreographed kind of 'pats on the shoulder'? What has made me think otherwise? One would be surprise why one could be so 'ungrateful'???? From another point of view, it's just a means to tell one that you are doing the right things (i.e. stating the fact), and so... "I" actually deserve it!
I think one important thing is, those who give the affirmation has to be consistent in sending the messages and in the 'appropriate manner', and how "other" messages are conveyed? Inconsistency kills the ground work and good work done. It would be misinterpreted as being hypocrite! One one hand, one is 'made' to believe of being 'valued', on the other hand, one's 'destiny' (or what one would do) lies in the supervisor's hands to decide how to manipulate the resources? No one likes to feel like a chip on the chess board! That's how one is made to believe that one has been "valued"??????
Alignment in messaging and one's action matters!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
The "retreat" was a means to bring the colleagues in the team closer, creating opportunity to engage us in activities together and getting to know each other better.
It's heartening to learn how others have benefited from the groundwork carried out so far despite of the challenges that I have to managed (physically and emotionally) over the past two and a half months... The pat on the shoulder is definitely very encouraging... Good work carried out, though, if my scope of work has been more well managed, more impactful work could be done...
It's heartening to learn how others have benefited from the groundwork carried out so far despite of the challenges that I have to managed (physically and emotionally) over the past two and a half months... The pat on the shoulder is definitely very encouraging... Good work carried out, though, if my scope of work has been more well managed, more impactful work could be done...
Reading "5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace" (I)
Bought this book and had the read the introduction (only) a couple of months ago.
Several points to note:
"Job satisfaction is not the amount of pay". Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, one's basic needs have to be taken care of before moving on towards seeking and (eventually) attaining the "nirvana" (spiritual needs). In today's society, we can't possibly just renounce everything to become a sage! (Though I wish I could). There are basics of others to be taken care of... unless one is no longer tied to any relationships! (especially family's!). However, once we are capable of ensuring the "basic" (material) needs are taken care of, certainly "Job satisfaction", I would say, would be more loosely linked to the amount of pay. One would start turn to devoting time, effort and energy to derive satisfaction from what one is doing... that's also where the 'joy' starts to generate. I think, the thought of "I don't mind doing extra" kicks in...
The next point about communication... the "How" is important... and it determines how effective the message goes to the recipient of the message. "How" - in way manner that the recipient catches it... and "How" it has touched the recipient's heart. I think, for all the appreciating words that we wanted to communicate, we want the recipient to be able to feel our sincerity and that the words come from the bottom of our heart! Hence, being about to make the connection matters! Some people have powerful vocabulary, some do not. While those who are strong in their languages of course would be able to express their appreciation well through words that are very beautifully weaved together! However, for those who are not gifted in languages, I feel that they are still able to express it well, though it could be of a few simple words, it's the sincerity that you make the recipient feel it. That's impactful - 尽在不言中,用心去体会!
Another point to note is, there exists a "reciprocate" mechanism in this whole "appreciation" process. While one feel appreciated when affirmed of the good "deeds"/ works carried out, being in the shoes to show appreciation draws another level of satisfaction because one is aware, able to recognise and acknowledges (that he/she is fortunate enough to) what they are enjoying the good things showered upon them.
Several points to note:
- The number one factor in job satisfaction is not the amount of pay, but whether or not the individuals feels appreciated and valued for the work they do.
- In Chapter it, one key phrase is "Why "Just say Thanks" doesn't work?" Well, what matters is how it's being communicated. The "How" is important... as mentioned a couple pages later, "we will not feel encouraged unless the message is communicated through our "primary language". That also explained why many employees are not encouraged when they receive a reward as part of the company's recognition plan - it doesn't speak in their preferred language of appreciation.
- Employees are more likely to "burn out" when they do not feel appreciated or emotionally supported by their supervisors
- The concept of encouraging colleagues and showing appreciation to coworkers was valued by individuals in virtually all roles and settings.
- People want to encourage and show appreciation to those with whom they work regardless of the organisational role they have.
- People in the workplace need to feel appreciation in order for them to enjoy their jobs, do their best work, continue working over the long haul.
"Job satisfaction is not the amount of pay". Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, one's basic needs have to be taken care of before moving on towards seeking and (eventually) attaining the "nirvana" (spiritual needs). In today's society, we can't possibly just renounce everything to become a sage! (Though I wish I could). There are basics of others to be taken care of... unless one is no longer tied to any relationships! (especially family's!). However, once we are capable of ensuring the "basic" (material) needs are taken care of, certainly "Job satisfaction", I would say, would be more loosely linked to the amount of pay. One would start turn to devoting time, effort and energy to derive satisfaction from what one is doing... that's also where the 'joy' starts to generate. I think, the thought of "I don't mind doing extra" kicks in...
The next point about communication... the "How" is important... and it determines how effective the message goes to the recipient of the message. "How" - in way manner that the recipient catches it... and "How" it has touched the recipient's heart. I think, for all the appreciating words that we wanted to communicate, we want the recipient to be able to feel our sincerity and that the words come from the bottom of our heart! Hence, being about to make the connection matters! Some people have powerful vocabulary, some do not. While those who are strong in their languages of course would be able to express their appreciation well through words that are very beautifully weaved together! However, for those who are not gifted in languages, I feel that they are still able to express it well, though it could be of a few simple words, it's the sincerity that you make the recipient feel it. That's impactful - 尽在不言中,用心去体会!
Another point to note is, there exists a "reciprocate" mechanism in this whole "appreciation" process. While one feel appreciated when affirmed of the good "deeds"/ works carried out, being in the shoes to show appreciation draws another level of satisfaction because one is aware, able to recognise and acknowledges (that he/she is fortunate enough to) what they are enjoying the good things showered upon them.
Thursday, March 08, 2012
First Blog Post in 2012
No, I've not made any mistake. This is my very first blog post this year, in this personal blog... checking back the last post, it was exactly 3 months ago! I can't believe myself! I consider myself being a avid and active blogger, and this the place where I would pour my thoughts, where I chew and digest who's going on in my head!
Why! Why! Why! Why such a 'long' break? It's not that I could not even afford a short half an hour like what I did in the past just to consolidate and pen down my thoughts. What matters it's really the mood and the energy that I could focus to pen down my thoughts.
Of yes, mood matters! What affects one's moods? Well, many many factors! One of them is satisfaction, which has surfaced more strongly over these months. Being able to draw satisfaction from what I'm doing is becomingly more important. It is frustrating when one is overloaded with some much things that the key priority has slipped into nowhere! Time is the limiting factor. It becomes frustrating when I am unable to to leverage on the opportunities while there are right before my eyes, because, a large proportion of time has been assigned to areas that I should not have put in so much time to do (if I refer to my job designation), hence resulting little or no time to do what I am suppose to do!
Well done! If I were wonder woman, perhaps, I could create wonders by doubling up the amount of time that I have so that I could perform the role of a teacher taking full load, at the same time, manage the scope that I was suppose to do, as well as managing a team that 'unfortunately' landed up with me!
What I ended up, after 10 solid weeks in the 1st academic term is being "extremely TIRED"!
Now I want to ask
Why! Why! Why! Why such a 'long' break? It's not that I could not even afford a short half an hour like what I did in the past just to consolidate and pen down my thoughts. What matters it's really the mood and the energy that I could focus to pen down my thoughts.
Of yes, mood matters! What affects one's moods? Well, many many factors! One of them is satisfaction, which has surfaced more strongly over these months. Being able to draw satisfaction from what I'm doing is becomingly more important. It is frustrating when one is overloaded with some much things that the key priority has slipped into nowhere! Time is the limiting factor. It becomes frustrating when I am unable to to leverage on the opportunities while there are right before my eyes, because, a large proportion of time has been assigned to areas that I should not have put in so much time to do (if I refer to my job designation), hence resulting little or no time to do what I am suppose to do!
Well done! If I were wonder woman, perhaps, I could create wonders by doubling up the amount of time that I have so that I could perform the role of a teacher taking full load, at the same time, manage the scope that I was suppose to do, as well as managing a team that 'unfortunately' landed up with me!
What I ended up, after 10 solid weeks in the 1st academic term is being "extremely TIRED"!
Now I want to ask
- "What's my Priority?"
- "Am I drawing satisfaction from what I'm bogged down with?"
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