Sunday, March 26, 2023

26 March 2023 Drum Tao

One of those groups that I enjoy its performance... and without fail, had been attending since I "discovered" it... I think, so far, the performance venue has been the Esplanade; and always, I would attend the matinees - the time when I could stay awake for performances! Oh yes, I could still doze off even when immerse in loud noise! That was what happened in my South Korea trip. I learnt. To be able to fully appreciate the performance - let's keep to my afternoons.

I am not a drum lover or play, but learnt to appreciate the art brought by this musical instrument. What's more, with the Japanese culture infused into the performance, the piece always turned out to be beautiful. 

It's a truly successful group. No much props except the range of drums and the energy felt throughout the performance - with strengths, yet so harmonious and well-blended. Love it! 

Sunday, March 12, 2023

12 March 2023 Frozen, the musical

It is a Walt Disney production - a cartoon? er... more like a animation, I supposed (ok, I lost track of the kind of descriptors for such production) - music has become one of the key features in many of the Disney shows, especially those translated from well known fairytales. 

It left an impression because of the songs when almost every kid would know... "let it go...." and it's the story of two princesses. I did not pay attention to the story line then. Though saw some of the MTVs, which were pretty impressive of the transformation of the backdrops - due to the magical powers of one of the key characters. 

At last, the musical came - to watch or not to watch? The story line is usually an important consideration. It could be too "kid-ish" (that was how it was marketed when the movie was out), I thought. However, I remember the backdrop transformation - and eventually decided to get the ticket though it was considered to be more expensive than the usual. (OR maybe not - but probably that price has gone up after cover?)

Managed to get a ticket only a couple of months ago - when most good seats were taken up. No regrets for this attempt. The backdrop and props and the special effects - worth the dollars and cents! Yes, to enjoy the show (& the effects), it is important for one to have a good seat - somewhere in the middle, not too far, yet not too near - that's always a challenging point to find a good seat 😅