Sunday, August 09, 2009

"Membership" Renewed

Oh... Just wondering... what should I enter as the heading of this post? "Happy Birthday, Singapore"? "National Day Parade"? ... after some thoughts, I chose "Membership Renewed".

It's been many years since I would sit still and watched the entire National Day Parade/Show (since... I think must be more than 5 years ago). Oh, citing the pledge, singing those national/ community songs! Yes, yes... so nostalgic!

  • "Singapura, oh Singapura, sunny island set in the sea..." {Remember singing this song in the music room in my primary school days!}
  • "Stand up for Singapore... Do the best you can..." {Those good old days when I was still in the secondary school...}
  • "You could take a little trip around Singapore town In Singapore city bus, To see Collyer Quay and Raffles Place, The Esplanade and all of us" {This was the one that the 5 of us presented in the farewell dinner in RECSAM...}
  • "This is home... Truly... where I know I must be..." {The one that turned my eyes wet, the one that really led me calling "Singapore, my home"}

Have not taken the pledge or sung the national anthem for many many moons... yes, since home, every time I sing the national anthem or cite the pledge, it's never the same again - the emotional bond, the sense of belonging...

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