Saturday, May 08, 2010


1 May (sms): Dear DC & Chipepts! Our farewell gathering will be held on 6 May (Thu) at En Jap Izakaya @ MS

Yup, it's the farewell dinner for a colleague, who went through the thick and thin with us... was with us since the journey started beginning of last year when our office was still at NP. Someone who's very resourceful and fond of M&S' sour fish!

It was a great evening that was filled with laughter... which I think it turned out to be a memorable one, especially for a number of us... it's a celebration of friendship... though it's also a farewell gathering... well, it's always that moment of going... other than that... we are still in this little island :D

All the best... to Germaine and everyone at the dining table...


Oh yes! This is the Popular Lime Juice, I was told... and it tasted... Lime Juice + all the Lime Skin!!! Ah! It increased my heartbeat after 2 glasses!

Hahaha... those who were at the dining table, you know what I meant...

Nice Noodle, no wonder has one page on its own (at the back of the menu)... the meat was nice! The soup was great!

Wow! First time having the entire plate for myself! Wow! Felt like a cannibal when each piece sank onto my teeth... so fresh! A satisfactory meal!





Richard、Germaine、Kym、Jennifer、OCY: 大家,为我们的友谊,干了!


天下无不散之筵席 ~ 不散,哪来的聚?


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