"So how about a different set of 5Cs: care, concern, compassion, communication and contentment... Life in 21st century Singapore is stressful, but with the fress set of 5Cs, we may yet ake our days happy."
Traditional 5Cs are cash, car, credit card, condominium and country club membership.
Well, people are talking about Cs again! In fact, in the school we talked about 10Cs, that are traits and dispositions of a 21st century being! These are indeed survival skills that refocuses inward, something not directly achieveable with money.
The traditional 5Cs are 'famous' and they are the targets of many... (at least, I think I'm one of those weirdos who regarded them differently). Well, the traditional 5Cs are material - look at Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs chart, the traditional 5Cs addresses to the 1st and 2nd levels - physiological and safety needs - providing the base to the pyramid. Of course, one would argue that amongst the 5, majority belongs to the "good to have (i.e. want)" rather than "need" category. Indeed, if some of the "C"s fit into the esteem level, too! Of which some people exhibits their confidence, achievements, etc through indicators like country club membership! So, the definition of needs has changed over time... largely dependent on the society that one makes reference to.
If we look that these 5Cs closely, it's not difficult to conclude that a significant amount of effort is needed to sustain these 5Cs; and none of them is permanent. It requires on-going investment of effort and money - just to sustain (of course, to some, there's always room for improvement) when one could look forward upgrading themselves within each C.
source: http://ek-kms.blogspot.com/2010/01/twitter-maslows-hierarchy-of-needs-nay.html
On the other hand, the new emphasis, in responses to the need of the 21st century environment, seems to be something more lasting, as it's a skill set, a disposition, an attitude that is desireable for survival and integration into the 21st century community.
There are definitely more than the 5Cs that were suggested by the ST Reader. But just to pick a couple of them to think about:
- Care - It's care to oneself, care to others and care to the environment! People or the physical environment, the happenings around us - that also tells how bothered we are beyond self. One has to know that taking care of oneself is contributes to one's care to the love ones - to reciprocate to the care and concern, and love that others have showered on them. Relieving them from unnecessary worries is one way to show one's care to their love ones. In a way, concern is subsumed under care...
- Compassion - Goes beyond self. It's an attitude, demonstrated through one's responses to what they see or hear. Compassion has to come with an objective mind in order to trigger the appropriate/right reaction and impact. One who is blindly demonstrates and show compassion (when the heart overrules the mind) could worsen the situation and lead to negative consequences.
- Communication - Ability to communicate one's thought and feelings in an impactful manner to create/ trigger positive reactions/ responses. That is powerful. Sometimes, people with good intent failed to bring about the desired outcome because of poor communication skills - It's not about not being able to speak the language, but the emphasis and focus; and the tone! Communication is not just about words, it's the feeling element that goes with it that makes it powerful. The listener could feel the sincerity when one speaks from the heart.
- Contentment - I think, it's not so much of being contented or not, but it's one's ability to differentiate what's a good-to-have and a must-have. With regards to the good-to-haves, one has to further dwell into the varying degrees of good-to-have! A car could be a good-to-have, however, the kind of car one chooses is another added variable here, that sometimes masked the "good-to-have" as a "must-have". Quite often, I was asked if I could drive (especially by those who could drive). No, that's my standard answer, despite the fact that I learnt to drive. Well, I make a choice not to... People gave me a strange look and tried to convince me that it's a must to have (in the local context!). Hahah... but why? when the public transport system meets my need. Why do I need to stress myself up with the heavy traffic and the maintenance, etc. that come with the car!? Well, I'm contented with what I have.
Indeed, I might be making a bold statement, but, what I'm looking forward to is really the tip of the pyramid - self actualisation. It comes with a clear mind and the willingness to divorce from the good-to-haves... it's when one is freed from the material needs that ties one from giving (and in return receiving the satisfaction that is non-material)... Chim? Yes... It is... I'm still finding my path there... 若近若离。。。
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