Saturday, November 08, 2008

Some phrases that irriate...

At the end of the day, some phrases irriate - at interesting headline caught my attention when flipping the newspapers this morning

What are the top turn-offs that researches from Oxford University found...
  1. At the end of the day
  2. Fairly unique
  3. I personally
  4. At this moment in time
  5. With all due respect
  6. Absolutely
  7. Shouldn't of
  8. 24/7
  9. It's not rocket science

Others.... "literally" and "ironically" when they are used out of context....

Look at the list... hm... at least... I've used 4 out of 9 this week :P Oops!

Sometimes, just wonder... is it that I've a limited vocabulary of words/expressions... or these are the expressions in their simplest form already?

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