Saturday, March 17, 2007

What's more worth than...

Since GC went for the back operation... somehow her perspective of work and life has changed. During the short 4 hour gathering, several times, 'health' came up several times, in our talk.

She said, nothing is more important than health! She emphasized that! Health has taken over the top seat... "Career", somehow has become a good to have... which we will not hear such a couple of years back. I guess, she's fed-up with the no-ending post-ops reviews... also, there are some many times that we hear people around were set back by health problems in the peak of their career. So, why work so hard yet suffer all the time and effort are poured into the bottomless blackhole of work? Yes, thanks to YL, who gave more meaning to the term 'blackhold'.

I guess, the 3 of us are overwhelmed... and have 'travelled' long enough... and are now dragging our feet... wondering when is the next 'stop'...

As the common saying goes... no-one is indispensible... when there's a vacancy, the organisation simply finds another person to fill the job... no big deal! I guess that makes an unhappy member in the organisation! To look back... why work so hard? These words sound familar... and hum around my ears... Yes... is it worth? Work vs Health... GC is not the only one... CE is another who underwent ops several years back, too... Yes, what do we get in return as we climb up the ladder? A better view? Yes, a better view but of a colder world, I guess... Less humaneity, I guess... However, when we are all in the rat race, even if we don't move, the wave behind will sure push us on...

I am the kind of creature that survive better in an environment where I can find warmth... yes, an environment that will not be repeatedly given and reminded of deadlines... That do not go down well with me...

Yes, we work hard... what's in return? It's time to look at it and re-examine... Yes, I worked very hard in my one year in Bhutan... Yes, I work very hard since I came back... But, both reap different things... I am very sure, the one year 'lost' in the out-of-touch civilisation certainly generates more return... including the warmth... For certain, I have some of my happiest moments there... and no regrets to that...

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