Sunday, February 22, 2009

Talking about "Deeps"

Many a time, we talk about doing something to deepen understanding, etc... Then when mp3 came in last year, heard about this Deep Learning... Then next thing was this January when we were in UK's study trip, we were hit by the 4 deeps, advocated to bring about another dimension of engagement of learners and stakeholders... of course, with an impact on how the school organises its resources and curriculum approach, too! Wah! Deep Learning, Deep Support, Deep Leadership and Deep Experience! Wah... chim chim chim....

In the recent meetings, keep hearing about this "Deep Learning" thing... quite certain the way our define is pretty different from what's described in the 4-Deeps framework... at least, in our local school's context...

Then, people talked about deep thinking... Oops! Is that just referring to thinking more deeply, being able to see the big picture and understand the inter-connectivity of various entities in the system... analysing the situation and knowing how to react and act accordingly?

Next, people went into something call deep discussion!!! Oops! How deep is deep when it comes to discussion? Wow! going into very detail and probing lots of things that were most of the time neglected (er... or hack care?)

So, everybody seem to get into this deeeeeeeeeeeep mode.... Oops! please don't get too excited over the deep deep thing!!! While we care to go deep, do remember to keep the big picture in mind too... not to be lost in the deeps (er... bottomless)...

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