Saturday, July 14, 2007

Watch how your Body Talks

Something... (as a reminder...) that I read from the Straits Times this morning (July 15, 2007)

  • It says, many a time, when we talk about communication, almost immediately we associate that with verbal communication. TRUE, very true... we nearly forget about our non-verbal cues... yes, body language 'speaks' louder than words!
  • "The body has many ways to experess itself." Agree! The 'Body' includes the hands-gesture, how we 'position' (stand/sit) our trunk(!) and certainly, our facial expressions that plays the key part to it. Of course, others like the 'personal space bubble' comes in, too!

  • Personal space bubble - "some people have very large space bubbles which they consider their personal space". It is deemed as a invasion to privacy when one gets too close for comfort! Oh yes, to some cases, it's interpreted as rudeness, too! On the other hand, I think it's a very personal and 'amazing' thing that each person could define a different personal space with different individuals. In fact, I think the size of the person space bubble changes from time to time though it may always start off as the 'same initial size'. Its size shrinks or expands, I think, depends largely on the relationship built with individuals - it also changes as the interactions increases (pleasant and ugly encounters!), when one starts to see how closely are their beliefs and norms 'align'.

  • "It is capable of expressing power relationships." What the article mentioned is the one between the boss and the subordinate. There are things that the boss can do, but the subordinate should not reciprocate in the same manner!

  • Body Posture - the article says about giving 'commands'... Take a look, back at my work place. Notice one thing, when doing workshop, it's a frequently observed sight "tucking the hands into the trousers pocket" when talking/explaining in front of the participants. Unconscious, but it has become a hard-kick habit, I think, though it has been brought up in the past already... So, it is a sign of authority? Or is it just the guy thing?
  • Something increasing brought up in the article: Body language differs by Culture. Eg. In some Indian cultures, when you shake your head, not from side to side, but from side to side in the sign of an infinity symbol, it denotes a 'yes'.

  • "The slightest tension in a facial muscle... paints a thousand words." I like this "a smile gives a multitude of meanig to an event." Yes, I believe in this.
  • "The eyes are the windows to the soul. One can see truth, deceit, sincerity, pretension, and warmth of a person. They eyes regulate a conversation and they can tell you whether a person believes in himself or not.

1 comment:

Quek Han said...

Agreed, body language speaks more than words.