Saturday, August 28, 2010

Why You Need to Really Care About Touchscreens

Read the article "Why You Need to Really Care About Touchscreens" by Gary Stein at

The article talked about the seemingly increasing trend of Touchscreen technology - in particular with the recent waves of iphone and ipad.

Well, I think interesting points he mentioned... food for thought...
"Touchscreen technology gives us the chance to start pulling away from that and into a new level of design, simply by removing the tool (mouse) from the equation."
"Touchscreens, then, are really the most welcome of all technologies, in that they don't make things more complex or force us to try to learn how to use them. Instead, they make something easier and more natural."

These set me thinking:
  • Is there a trend to 'revert' back to "basics"?
  • It seems like, inventions when first invented to solve problems or to improve livelihood, they are usually more complicated because it has yet reach a stage of stability before a breakthrough.
  • So, this was well illustrated through this example of mouse and (even) keyboard - when they were invented to enable to the user to interact with the computer. These were done through actions like click and drag, and even text.
  • As time progresses, we no longer need to communicate via such devices. Instead, we could simply use our 'fingers' to communicate :)

So, let's bring this further... we tend to set up structures (and sometimes generate lots and lots of protocols for everyone to adhere to)... so, is it also time to start considering adopting/ adapting some 'primitive' ways when dealing with processes?

I wonder...

1 comment:

laptoprentaluae said...

Great information thanks for such a nice post. We are also Provide Touch Screen Rental Dubai.