Sunday, August 29, 2010

The National Day Rally Tweets

Briefly... more than 50 tweets within 2 hours...
  1. #ndr Done! Thanks to the internet, I sat through the National Day Rally :) cheers!
  2. #ndr The Fighting Spirit matters... Size doesn't matter... #ithink #iinterpret
  3. #ndr recapping the nation's pride :)
  4. #ndr oh! a new complex beside the MOE building - it's the NERVE centre - named after Dr Goh
  5. #ndr talking about us exercising our global responsibilities
  6. #ndr doing extreme sports at 'extreme' parks?
  7. #ndr rescuing horseshoe crabs to save the environment? Hm...
  8. #ndr oh! using technology as an analogy... ah! would the 'dinosaurs' able to make connections? #iwonder
  9. #ndr Talking about our National Pledge... We got to maintain our Singaporean Call - The singapore spirit - keeping an open architecture...
  10. #ndr ok... now into NE #ithink
  11. #ndr Keeping our nation's identity - shared values, shared loyalty & commitment, shared memories, etc...
  12. #ndr on education: now, talking about donation (after giving out angpows in the earlier segment) Hm...
  13. #ndr on education: What? Matching 3 to 1? That's really generous!!! existing programme worth less: Matching 1.5 to 1 (hm...)
  14. #ndr on education: having scholarships, loan schemes, etc... to help "WHO" - locals or foreigners? #iwonder
  15. #ndr on education: NTU branching into medical fields? Hm... in order to train more docs? oh!? training BOTH singaporean and foreign docs?
  16. #ndr on education: Oh! a university town? village? at clementi?
  17. @dancescapes maybe it's by an imported talent?
  18. #ndr on education: Opening Pathways, Building Peaks. 2 special schools highlighted - Northlight and Assumption Pathway. Kudos!
  19. #ndr on education: Going to NT is also a "good option"? to prepare them to do well in ITE... oh, what a way to put across
  20. #ndr on education: for the less academically inclined - the NT specifically - enhancement carried out so far worked well.
  21. #ndr on education: The new 7 sch will have dual track! Life is getting more complicated; it's becoming more complicated! oh no!!!
  22. #ndr on education: Expanding the IP (Integrated prog)? For 3 years, 11 schools on board. Oh! 7 more schs into it! Which are they?
  23. #ndr on education: Popular schools, popular programmes.. talking about replicating programmes in all schools?
  24. #ndr on education: Talk about choices of secondary schools. Fret not if don't do well. Competitive programmes wait for you no matter where..
  25. #ndr on education: Seeing exam in perspective! It won't determine the whole future of the child... not a live or die matter #ilike
  26. #ndr on education: paying more attention to PE, Art and Music? Oh no! that specialist ought to be coming to us soon???
  27. #ndr on education: OK... the msg is to 'tell' parents, all schools are doing the same, nurturing the whole child. No need to choose pri sch?
  28. #ndr on education: Camel trekking... ok.. that sounds exciting. DNA profiling in life sciences. Robotics, yes..about the annual NRJC.
  29. #ndr on education: oh... why so much about Art? Dances? oh? Our students perform in HK Disneyland? Hm... #iwonder
  30. #ndr on education: art & gardening. Music - Fusion orchestra - oh! our rojak culture! that's Singlish art? Hm... #iwonder
  31. #ndr on education: Let's hear a whole range of things done all over the sch - 1st group, about art - oh! mural instead of graffiti!
  32. #ndr on education: All schs are well equipped with modern facilities and well staffed - in any neighbourhood sch, kids are exposed and given
  33. #ndr on education: Talents in many dimensions... how the system nurture them? including those less academically incline?
  34. #ndr Now, into education... Singapore's education system - when students leave the education system "BIlingual" (hm...)
  35. #ndr how to keep door open and yet protecting the interest of Singaporeans?
  36. #ndr bonding through common interest.. oh! that's an exchange of ???
  37. #ndr still... talking about accepting the foreigners in the Singapore society, Singapore community
  38. #ndr Population and Talent Division @ PMO - like PSD to do what?
  39. #ndr Those who earn a bit more than $8000 but can't quite afford private property will get housing grant... er? neither here nor there...
  40. #ndr Oh yes, HDB will speed up... so, you mean "building flats" can also spped? I thought only pilots can speed in the air!
  41. #ndr how are we going to manage immigration so that Singapore is not overcrowded? Oh yes, HDB flats at a dear price for locals?
  42. #ndr basically, the speech revolves around foreigners and immigrants - on transport, on housing, at work, property prices & on schooling!!!
  43. #ndr Circle line Phase 3 will be completed by next year... ok... NS line & EW line - 120s now(?) to 100s next year... ok, some maths again
  44. #ndr NE line - one extra train in the morning.. ok... let's do the mathematics... to what extent (%) it helps to alleviate the conjestion?
  45. #ndr Talking about peak hours crowd in the MRT train! What? The green part is ok? Can't believe, you mean Tamines area not crowded?
  46. #ndr upgrading our system so that everyone would get good education... must open years wide wide... now, about Transport first...
  47. #ndr Last time, baby bonus... now NS man "bonus"???
  48. #ndr Another new initiative - a national service man award?
  49. @kevinkjang oh yah... when I 'missed' the train and late for work! haha
  50. #ndr Will one day Singaporeans thought of coming back to Singapore as a visit to another tourist attraction?
  51. #ndr A handbook can help one to 'become' a Singaporean? #iwonder
  52. #ndr Unbelieveable??? Commuters asking for their 'personal' bus driver... Still can't believe it!
  53. #ndr there are immigrants who come with social graces, there are also some 'ugly' ones... does the govt make an effort to do some filtering?
  54. #ndr talking about integration into our Singaprean society... hm... at the MRT, one could identify the "foreign talents" straightaway
  55. #ndr Are Singaporeans really getting better deals? Are we enjoying the "competition" from foreigners? #iwonder
  56. @dancescapes haha... u watching/ listening at the same time too?
  57. #ndr Now, talk about reality, the reason for having foreign workers... Making a distinguishable difference in who we accept here?
  58. #ndr what??? the 3rd reason for welcoming immigrants is because of Singapore's low birth rate? No! No! This is definitely no good reason!
  59. #ndr ... unless they are truly singaporean... #ithink
  60. #ndr Frankly speaking, there's still so much to do in terms of sports. While they fly the SIngapore flag, it's still very different unless..
  61. #ndr oh! When talking about imported talents, we would never forget talking about our imported sports talent..
  62. @dancescapes Certainly, Singaporeans work very hard to reach where we are today, and now we are capable of buying services worldwide :)
  63. #ndr Talking about how Microsoft draws talents from all over the world
  64. #ndr Look at the maps! ah! PM's not using GoogleMap... it's customised!
  65. Ah!!!! I missed it! Just crossed the 3000th tweet! #Ijoy #ilike
  66. @dancescapes Well, anyway was told that there's minimal immigrant in Japan...
  67. #ndr Immigration: Embracing Diversity, Growing Roots
  68. #ndr What's exactly the immigrant's role in the country? Are there more plus than minus?
  69. #ndr Drawing parallel in terms of concerns raised else where (e.g. US)... also drawing out how they could contribute to the residing country
  70. #ndr Immigrant matters - setting the context. Singapore is not the only one with foreigners. It's worldwide phenomenon.
  71. #ndr Talking about immigrants... why we need them... and how does the nation manage the influx
  72. #ndr Now, moving from productivity to immigration... the next big topic of the rally
  73. #ndr bravo PM Lee! U are giving a lecture on deep sea operations!... #ilike
  74. #ndr we have world class corporates #ilike
  75. #ndr Talking about economics, talking about mathematics... #ilike

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