Saturday, July 04, 2009

Duck eggs

Had an interesting chat with the cab driver, Mr Ali, on my way home (after half-a-day of shopping when I was loaded with bags of goodies - books and food... ).

He was sharing about how he would take time off to return to Tenggaru, where his dad gave him a piece of land that's about 30 hectares! Wah! 30 hectares??? How much do we have for the school's permanent site? er... that miserable 3 hectares!!! He spoke about having an area where the family rears ducks. Then he went on... oh, I learn something new! Hahah... Ducks lay eggs twice a day. After feeding, they lay eggs and immediately will go for a swim... each time they lay one egg. Then the cycle repeats... they eat again and lay eggs again... and at night, they rest near the pond!

Yes, duck eggs is the choice for "salted" eggs - a delicacy of the locals (er... Southeast Asians?). He explained that duck eggs come with a not so pleasant smell and therefore people don't consume them like chicken eggs... asked him about the 'black coat' that comes with all duck eggs. So, that's soil mixed with salt and charcoal to prevent the eggs from exposure to air, he enlightened.

Though tired, the 20-odd minute journey seems so short :D

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