Sunday, April 26, 2009

What's on the face?

Just penned this on my Facebook account... "wonders why some people like to write their emotions, likes and don'ts on their faces? Hm... does the whole world owe them? Hm... or they now owe the whole world?"

The first time I detected this at workplace was about 10 years ago, when someone alerted me... So-and-so wrote his emotions on his face! OK... from the behaviour, yes... but what can we do? He was our boss... haha... But then, started to wonder... why? It actually affects everybody... in other words, he determined the weather of the day. Anyway, he was our boss... and he left before we left...

Next, more recent years, it's even more prominent... we have to see the colour of the boss's face! That really determined the weather of the entire department... and yes, it affected our emotion as we reacted to the weather! Tough! But we braved through those bad weather days and survived!

So much about the bosses... How about peers?! It's really difficult to understand why some people like to throw their 'weights' er... I should say, their emotions? moods? Big deal? Yes, it simply started to stain the good wholesome picture that one first created and strain the relationships that one 'advocated' earlier... Now, are you a hypocrate? Sometimes, can't help but just wonder... is it the upbringing?

Be mindful: No one deserves the way rudeness one portrays on the face, no one deserves the kind of dismayed tone one responded with. Having a bad hair day is not a good excuse, being troubled by others is not a good excuse, don't bring them to the workplace - especially when one is in the leadership seat. We are not paid to experience such nonsense! 适可而止.

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