Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Beauty... have you discovered it?

These look like photos that I will snap when I go on a holiday trip - to admire the beautiful nature at that moment. The golden shades of cloud, coloured by the morning sun!

Actually, it's any ordinary morning that I do my usual morning walk along Tampines Ave 9. But today, I just take out my phone camera to snap the photo. Below tells you where I took the photo. Actually, it's only part of the "BIG" picture, but the focus was on things I admire at that moment. 

Drawing a parallel - sometimes, we are just overwhelmed by many things around us; and often, we forget to look up and look around. Sometimes, even if we look up, we fail to notice it because our vision is already blinded or clouded by what's going on in our head already.

Slow down... look up... with a relax mind - let go what's bothering us for the time being... and probably we'll see the silver lining smiling at us :)

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