Saturday, May 02, 2009

School Daze 书包太重 - 观后感

Heard so much about it... It's been almost everyday since last week... ok... it's a new TV drama (by MediaCorp)... Hm... it's another one of those dramas that focus on schools, teachers and students! I guess, my curiosity is really about one of the artistes - Rui En, who seems to be the hottest heart-throb in town? So, labour day is also 'school daze'... was sitting in front to the TV having a drama-marathon! 9-episodes at one go!!! (well, that's what's all available at the video-on-demand at MioTV 312).

Have not watched local dramas for a long long time... not even the Little Nonya (though it whipped up any wave in this sunny island!).

Yes, there's always some 'star' teachers in such drama - of course, in schools too... a few segments of the stories really my cord... it already painted some really good or real situations in some schools today! Up to the 9th episode, I could draw the sadder side of today's educational scene here...
书包太重 - 剧名,也许就有两个含义罢!
第一,是指重量吧!不单单有电子辞典,还有一本重重厚厚的辞典。天啊!那是“怕输”?还是,我们的新一代还没走入“电子”时代?还不是Digital Native?还是,编剧在暗示我们,学生已经“准备”好了!但,因为老师仍是Dinosaur(?)因此,苦了今日学子,得扛着两个时代,但相同性能的“道具”上学去。那是一种讽刺吗?
剧的开始不久,就有跑车奔驰的画面!噢! 那是“新人类”老师出场了!用有机会够享受跑车奔驰的感觉来作为奖赏?天啊!那是我们要吹鼓的吗?当然,那也是一种投资吧!用物质去“收买”人心也是一种途径。但,能持久吗?若是“红萝卜”不见了,那些只“认货不认人”的家伙还会那么的合作吗?


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