Sunday, July 13, 2008

IN Thing??? Peer Pressure...

It's about Facebook...

Think the first time registered with Facebook was about 3 years ago... when first joined ETD (oh yes, lots of happening, er... I mean learning since I joined the section). Then somehow, abandoned that login account... until this year, when we were preparing for the workshop module - eLearning. Yes, thanks to Paul and Kevin - their brilliant idea of using the social network to simulate the eLearning portal.

Was quite excited over it... a platform that can simply bring people all over the places together... Sending "Hi"s to some good old friends... then, what's next? I wonder... again, its the sustainability... It's just like how often we give our good friends a ring though their contact numbers are saved in the handphone memory?

On the other hand, apart from the networking (literally networking), what else? Just wondering... Do we really leverage on the networks or even the extended networks???

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