Saturday, December 30, 2006

There's a difference

Advertisement - is a channel to market a product, to bring across an idea. It appears in different medium, too.

More often than not, it will carry a picture of the product... and of course, the specifications, and sometimes, the cost, too... oh yes, pictures of satisfied users. Hardware - how's the product 'sold' in the advertisement? With the picture and its specs, right? All of us are so familiar with those of the telcos as well as PCs.

How about camera? Well, it has the advantage to 'tap' on this old saying "A picture speaks a thousand words"! However, the most interesting and tastefully advertisements that I see so far, is from the National Geographic. The duration spent on reading its advertisements (of similar or even the same product when printed in other places like the newspapers) is very much longer. There are more than 5 advertisements on the different brands of cameras in the December issue of the magazine, however, it's not tiring or one does not get bored when reading them all... Also realised something, all these advertisements are tied to the theme of the magazine - Nature, at least, that many used. It's not just advertisements, but it talks about the facts and information that one can draw from the pictures.

Another interesting one (in the same magazine) was that of the airlines. It brings out the 'socio-conscious' thinking that it promotes within its organisation. It does not just 'sell' the product - the flying service, but the value, the thinking, the culture that it hopes (or already) to achieve within its organisation. Though the advertisement, it offers the readers different perspectives. Or it's urging readers to see that they are different? Simple words, but powerful :D

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