Saturday, March 11, 2006

By Default???

Sometimes, I wonder if it's our culture being "stingy"... stingy in words... stingy in expressing our appreciation or gratitude??? Or we see that we're being conservative? being humble? Hm... is that the Asian culture? or most people are handicapped in words? I just wonder!!!

A couple of mornings ago, was in the train, on my way to work. The train was very crowded, as usual, in a weekday morning where all heading to work. Then, an expecting mother entered and stood right in front of the passenger. As a good civilian and considerate passenger, he stood up immediately... next... she immediately took the seat, sat down... and sat her sight on the floor, not uttering a word... while he stood right in front of her...

Hey... just wonder... have we forgotten the 2 simple yet power words "Thank You"? On the other hand, the young chap may not be expecting a 'Thank You' 'cos he might think by default, that's what he should do... next wonder... did she think, by default, she deserved a seat, so what's there to thank? This set me wondering... Is that our socio-culture?

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