Thursday, September 26, 2024

[F-Diary] #32 THU 26 SEP - From Daniel Pink... Decision making strategy

In the most recent Pink Cast, Daniel Pink shared the 9-word question could transform decision-making is "What would I tell my best friend to do?"

Reason being, we are good at advising others what to do when challenged to make a decision - from a third person perspective, I supposed. However, we seldom look inward to give the same advice. I guess, it's when we tend not to exercise our troubled mind in a rational manner when clouded with the issue. This advice/ suggestion, I think is similar to the advice on why we should not send an email reply when we are still emotional over the episode/ encounter that just happened - there's always this cooling period which we should observe. Reason being, at that point, we could not or would not be able to think clearly or rationally in order to respond appropriately. 

I think, more to the point would be - keep calm (or calm ourselves down first), then lay the issue out and if necessary, dissect the question carefully, then list down the pros and cons systematically and clearly - which is essential for us to weigh with informed (potential) consequence of our choices. I guess, that's why a genuine friend would do - help the friend to think when he/ she is unable to do the thinking properly. However, don't forget that - we could be making assumptions, too.... the lack of info that could be critical to the choice! Hence, probing responses would be critical to be helpful. On the other hand, when we apply the same for ourselves, we are fully aware the limitations behind the possible moves. 


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