Monday, June 22, 2009

The frog in the well says...

Was just letting out some steam the other day... No not letting out steam, but reflecting... no, not reflecting, but sharing... hahaha.... so confusing, right? That's part of the pscycho-ing process... to move from negative to positive thinking (my LKY-way, hahaha!!! Oh yes, sometimes rather Ah-Q, too!)

Nobody likes to be 'slighted' in front of anyone... I'm very sure... especially in a mixed group (that involves both internally & externally). It's not a pleasant experience when a fellow colleague puts you down (be it intentional or unintentional; be it direct or indirect)!!!!!

OK, to think positive, it's because of one's insensitivity - due to lack of self-awareness? lack of EQ? which I mentioned to a number of friends previously. Or of course, to put it across in a less positive manner, it's because of one's selfishness!!!!!

Why did I tie these 2 words together? Of course, it's based on some established patterns...

Well, the basic operating principle of a team is to contribute and collaborate to bring out the best output of the team! Mentioned in the book, "The 17 Esential Qualities of a Team Player" (by John C Maxwell), there's a paragraph on the 2nd quality - Collaborative:

Collaborative teammates do more than just work with one another. Each person brings something to the table that adds value to the relationship and synergy to the team.

Sometimes, I just wonder, while one possesses the right skills, knowledge and experience and there exists a situation when one could contribute to better the outcome of the situation, however, disappointingly, one just kept quiet! Why? Is it because it's not one's "offical baby"? So, does that mean that one would just leave it to continue to go wrong? So, is it because of ownership? or it's because one waits for others to ask? Then comes the what if... if others not aware that one has the experience, then how on earth will we know that is all over the place?

How does the "Frog" thingy comes about?

Well, it all arises from a casual talk/reflection with some friends one evening... sharing about the frustration described above. Oh yes, sometimes I just felt that I was the frog in the well... hahaha... realising that I know so little when having discussion with external parties... and sometimes more worse still, not knowing my peer(s) possesses the necessary knowledge/skills till the latter spoke about it in such discussions. The 'wall' of the well 'grows' (trapping me in!!!) as the discussion continues...

Of course, needless to say, the peer(s) is like the chirpy bird that talks while I was that 'frog' quietly listening to what the wise bird rattles... my reaction? one could guess, needless to say...

Well, don't presume the frog is really a frog that lives in the well.... sometimes, the frog might have made its world tour and brings with it wisdom and knowledge to be applied when appropriate... Has the bird above well really seen the world? The sky's the limit? Well, it might not be aware that it's enjoying the good weather sheltered by the coconut tree that limits its vision...

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