Tuesday, November 14, 2006

执著, 是为了。。。。

执著。。。 是绊脚石。。。
是执著, 还是固执? 只是一线之差。

是的,有人因为自己的执著,忘了身边的人,忘了别人的感受, 忘了顾及其他事物接下来所受到的影响吗?当然,也忘了无形中,对自己产生的负面影响,无形中的伤害。。。

包复什么?发泄什么?也要有个究竟。。。 无缘无故的, 算是损人又不利己,何必呢。。。

究竟, 最后的胜利者是谁呢?决对不是自己。。。
究竟, 最后的失败者是谁呢?决对是自己。。。 很肯定的。

当然, 受损的,不单自己,身边的人(被挟在中间的),受气的人,当然,还有因这一份执著而影响工作的进度。反过来看, 是谁不合作呢?相反的事,幼稚罢了。

吾并非那么所谓地宽洪大量, 但,永远得记得,要沉得住气。。。
觉得,用BLOG来‘发泄’也未必不是件好事。。。 至少, 不会伤害到别人,又能让心情好些。。。还记得有篇散文曾说:
Once there was a boy who had a very bad temper. One day, his dad told him. Each time he was anger, add a nail to the fence... on the first day, he nailed many. Gradually as the months passed... there were fewer and fewer nails being added to the fence... eventually, it came a day when he has nothing to nail. Daddy told him to remove the nail from the fence... eventually, the fence had no more nails... however, the holes left by the nails were unremovable... it reminds the boy how times he had hurt people around him... these holes were like the wounds created each time the person is 'knived'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Kwai Yin,

I was not there and I don't really know how to read Chinese. So, you are upset by the unreasonable behaviour of someone near you. Well, the volcano erupts after brewing underneath for some time. Perhaps, we can learn something from here.

Do we want such an event to happen to us again? Is there anything we could have done months ago? Sometimes there is nothing we can do. Sometimes there is. If there is nothing we can do, do nothing. If there is something we can do, we do. We cannot sit and wait and hope that the rest of the world should behave rationally....like us.
Then again, when it has happenned, is there anything we can do to make the world a better place? Maybe... maybe not. But we should not pretend that everything is okay when it is not. Decision making every day, every minute...

Good luck! Choose your actions wisely...