Sunday, September 08, 2024

[F-Diary] #14b SUN 8 SEP - Out, unaccompanied

It sounded a bit unbelievable - but it is true, regardless how old we are, in the eyes of a mum, a child is a child, regardless how independent we are. What's more when the child is unwell.... there it goes, you may call her a control freak, but that's how mum's love is expressed - becoming very protective, definitely- regardless how old she is, or how old her child is... that's love 💕 

At last, today, I got the permission to travel by the public transport, after giving her the re-assurances, and applying my forte, presented to her my well thought through plan. Haha... a close to 55 years of age needing to seek clearance to travel! It sounds ridiculous to many, I supposed but come to think about it, it's happiness, it's a blessing. Isn't it?

You can't believe it - the "what a relief" look at her face when I return in one piece 🤣

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