Monday, September 30, 2024

[F-Diary] #36 MON 30 SEP - The Day....

Reported to Counter C, another clinic which looks more cosy than the main area.

Today is the day to remove the cast. Today is the day when the covered area gets to see light after 5 weeks. 

This is the only photo with my Doraemon forearm. Am still masked up as I've not recovered from flu yet. 

Just before the 3-week old cast is 'cut'.... 

Removed!  The first thing is looked. at my hand, though the focus is actually the wrist. The palm thumb area is dry... as expected, but did not expect it to peel immediately. The discomfort - the roughness. 

The main area looks ok ... though the arm hair at the covered area needed to be awoken, I supposed. 

Yeah! The forearm looks normal 👍 though I could feel the weakness.

The X-ray on 30 Sep has not shown much difference, compared to the previous X-ray.

... compared what's on 9 Sep, the difference though not significant but can see the closing up at the healing part 😌

The hand is really weak... or psychologically, I'm afraid - to hold any weight. The weight of approx 750g almost dropped. But becomes quite comfortable as it rested on the arc between the thumb and the1st finger.

What needed to be done: Strength the fingers to gain mobility. Also to train up the strength and my writing, too - which obviously is badly affected, I believe.

Saw the occupational therapist. Christina was very patient and gentle, and to the details, and very comforting. 

Among the first things she did was to measure the wrist diameter. The circumference of my right (affected) wrist is 1cm more than my left. It's still swollen. It's normal.

A series of the simple exercises is expected... stretching exercises involving the entire arms. Then the finger exercises. I think I can do the first few quite regularly. 

Have chosen a nearer date to return for the next therapy session... next Monday.
Hopefully can see some good process.

Received this 3-fold double page leaflet. 
It look like... it's a common injury

Friday, September 27, 2024

[F-Diary] #33 FRI 27 SEP - Flu caught up with me!

I knew it was coming... but I thought I held it up quite well in the past few days, the droplets from the nose was minimal. Today, I knew, it's unavoidable. I need to go see the doctor ... as I'm left with only 1 week to nurse my flu. 

I thought the number went quite fast, but somehow it was stuck at the number just before mine! I wonder what went on.....  

I had fever, running nose, sore throat and cough - all symptoms of a flu, obviously. 
Had this pretty "interesting" medication - it's both for aches and also acts as a muscle relaxant. See the colour? I wonder if it's expected each time. take a blue an a white one?

Had an MC for FRIDAY, which will not be put to use - not because I don't want to rest from work ... but it overlaps with my hospitalisation leave. 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

[F-Diary] #32 THU 26 SEP - From Daniel Pink... Decision making strategy

In the most recent Pink Cast, Daniel Pink shared the 9-word question could transform decision-making is "What would I tell my best friend to do?"

Reason being, we are good at advising others what to do when challenged to make a decision - from a third person perspective, I supposed. However, we seldom look inward to give the same advice. I guess, it's when we tend not to exercise our troubled mind in a rational manner when clouded with the issue. This advice/ suggestion, I think is similar to the advice on why we should not send an email reply when we are still emotional over the episode/ encounter that just happened - there's always this cooling period which we should observe. Reason being, at that point, we could not or would not be able to think clearly or rationally in order to respond appropriately. 

I think, more to the point would be - keep calm (or calm ourselves down first), then lay the issue out and if necessary, dissect the question carefully, then list down the pros and cons systematically and clearly - which is essential for us to weigh with informed (potential) consequence of our choices. I guess, that's why a genuine friend would do - help the friend to think when he/ she is unable to do the thinking properly. However, don't forget that - we could be making assumptions, too.... the lack of info that could be critical to the choice! Hence, probing responses would be critical to be helpful. On the other hand, when we apply the same for ourselves, we are fully aware the limitations behind the possible moves. 


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

[F-Diary] #31b WED 25 SEP - Marathon Meetings

It's been a long time since... that my schedule for the day is packed with just meetings... back to back... Those were the hay days - where I was managing several FS@SG projects, meetings after meetings... evolving plans and implementations. Indeed, I quite enjoy those days, though they were stressful and jam-packed. 

Actually, I enjoyed that!

Yesterday, have 6 meetings back-to-back, except one with an hour break in-between. Time flew. 

Today's meeting indeed is more intensive, and I'm involved in 4 items, of which 3 solo pieces :)

Is it payback time? Hm... my payback time? OR those who need to do some work's payback time? I don't know... but what I know is, anything not done will contribute to "payback"... and it could be extremely stressful.

Strangely, it's a sense of achievement at the end of each day, after seeing so much could be accomplished. 


[F-Diary] #31a WED 25 SEP - Ops! The MRT train is stalled

Took this photo while waiting for transport to go home after the day's meeting. 

The train was there since morning, around 9.30 am - due to power trip caused by a faulty train that had served for more than 30 years. Hm... I can't believe it! More than 30 years? We are testing the endurance of the public transport... ok... land public transport? OR It's the confidence we had on the product. Cars have a certain lifespan - which had to be scrapped after they "expired" (a term I borrowed from my Bhutanese students). Buses, too, I believe. Airplanes, definitely - in Singapore. "Old" enough planes are sold off to others. What's the average age of the SIA fleet? I believe it's less than 15 years! To maintain that kind of standard known worldwide.

Why an over 30-year-old train is still in service while the new trains were progressively brought into service. Very puzzling (?).  

Sunday, September 22, 2024

[F-Diary] #28 SUN 22 SEP - 4 full weeks

Time flies.

I have been on hospitalisation leave for 4 full weeks!

I thought I could accomplish a lot of things (other than work) when it just started.

Not really... I've been quite busily engaged with work.

Life is never dull. The only concern is... too little time to do what's needed to be done - some of these are meaningful works that I do not wish to be left out.

Living life to the fullest possible - though at a slower pace...

Friday, September 13, 2024

[F-Diary] #19 FRI 13 SEP - 1st mission completed

I did this before.... considered once to twice a year. What is special this year is - though each year is I'll do so this part single-handedly; this time, it's really literally single (left-) handedly to get the Structured Revision spreadsheet up - and professionally formatted. I am proud of myself 😅

Thursday, September 12, 2024

[F-Diary] #18 THU 12 SEP - It's Doraemon

BLUE was chosen for practical reason - amongst other opinions - less obvious when it becomes dirty. However, a spark came when I was looking at my cast...  from different angles - It looks like Doraemon's 圆(援)手 🤣

I wish this 圆(援)手 will find its way to be really helpful ☺️

Indeed, it's also the first time I disclosed my injury in the social media. 

  • Those not so sharp guessed the "riddle" correctly.
  • Those who probably came across fracture, be it self or others, guessed very quickly something was not right.
  • ❤️‍🩹

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

[F-Diary] #17b WED 11 SEP - On the road

Today, I spent close to 1.5 hours on the road - both ways, to and fro.

Struck a conversation with both Grab drivers - on pretty diverse topics - and were pretty interesting. 

Both were curious what's SST? and therefore did a quick introduction, using the simplest layman words to explain how it takes in its students and what part of the curriculum differentiates itself from others.

From HOME to SST (noon):

  • We spoke about education system, how the approach has changed over time - how children learn. He shared the difference between how he learnt Maths in the past compared to how his child learns today. 
    • One contrast is learning in the past seemed to emphasise on production and outcomes, also tended to require one to commit to memory; which he noticed one big difference.
  • I was curious why the car came through the Street 45 carpark instead of the one facing Avenue 9. There was also a change in the route he took - it seemed that there was an option. 
    • There, I learnt the it is not necessary for the driver to follow the proposed route by the system. 
  • The driver also shared that the system offers 2 different modes that he can choose to accept a job - one is auto accept, the other is manual accept.
    • As his setting is of manual setting, hence, he knows my destination.

From SST to HOME (evening): 

  • Skillsfuture was the main topic in the journey. The driver shared how his wife had attended a pastry/ cake baking where she learnt the Japanese art in baking. Nevertheless, he doubted the usefulness when his wife now hardly apply teh skills learnt.
  • Other courses he came across was wine tasting course and other cooking course.
  • He also noted some skills like driving - remains largely handle by the bigger enterprises.
  • He also shared that attending Skillsfuture course has also evolved to become a dating activity.

[F-Diary] #17a WED 11 SEP - Back for Business

Went back last Monday to tidy up my desk... getting the stuff and table ready for the relief teacher.  

Today, was back for more a more serious matter, a meeting that matters not so much to me, but for my jobholders. Had prepared the necessary since last week. Jumped in the opportunity when offered an option to attend online. For such meetings, regardless what, face-to-face is certainly more effective. 

I felt energetic, actually. 

I felt that missed the meeting.

Actually, I had not stopped working though I could choose to leave everything behind for a while and take a break. Given hospitalisation leave, it's as good as rest at home instead of occupying a bed there.

Somehow, I could not bring myself to do it - pause everything. Yes, I remember this - no one is indispensable. However, by choosing not to touch work could result in lots of inconveniences to others. Why should I create this inconvenience when I'm capable of doing some of these keyboard work? I guess, it's about responsibility?

At the same time, I've also openly declared FOMO - I don't know what it means only until this tear of missing out just kicks in.

Now, it's as good as working from home WFH (again). Yup, working from home is never about idling. Instead, I'm doing more work. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

[F-Diary] #16b TUE 10 SEP - So intelligent!

I am not a fan of using templates as I believe that I am equipped with the relevant skills and am capable of  managing design, the look and feel of document and slides, and I don't like the feeling of being restricted by the "frame" once adopted the template.

Nevertheless, with so much technology progress, I see something that surprises me - though I know many years ago, Google or some apps already can recognise images when we used those apps. 

But now.... AI voluntarily pushes it down - not only in terms of layouts, but also suggested alternative texts - in PowerPoint. Amazing! Indeed, I think an application is to get it make its first attempt analysis. However, also discovered that addition of textboxes will throw it off the tangent 😆

Simple suggested texts

A variety of layouts, including framing and "re-shaping" them

Now, it's at a lost due to the introduction of textboxes


[F-Diary] #16a TUE 10 SEP - Struggle strengthens...

A nice short story that reminds me of another - about telling one not to disturb the struggle that the caterpillar undergoes because it needs that struggle to become strong enough to become a butterfly - to gain strengths for its winds to flap and fly.

In an equivalent or parallel story, it remains us growing up requires one to go through and experience certain "blows" or challenges in order for one to gain strength and gets rooted. 

All these require time to "become" what they are today. Though most of the time , what we see is already the "outcome".


Monday, September 09, 2024

[F-Diary] #15b MON 9 SEP - after a week of hard cast

 I am back in the morning, to be precise... I arrived punctually - less crowded compared to last Monday when the appointment was in the afternoon. 

Today, I'm under "Practice 1".

The first item in the list is to remove the cast! 

Oh.... I elbow gets to see light again!

This machine does the wonders! But.... only when in the hands of the skilful technician! 

I do feel safe in Mr Azeem's hands... To him, it may be a daily piece of mechanical work, but, to the patience, it's the confidence we have that the elbow will not get cut under the sharp blade - for his professionalism gained through numerous applications - what we call... practice mades perfect.

It looks ok....  but after a week being in the hard cast... the skin reacted to touch and water... it was painful, unexpectedly. I presume, that's what we normally heard advice like the need to give time climatise the body when subjected to change of environmental conditions. [Another aha moment]

After washing with soap and had it dried, it is ready for the next phase...

To the X-ray room... Room 2 with queue number 0198

X-ray - how it looked like after 2 weeks...

A comparison with last week's - holding well in its position... progressing though seems insignificant.

Confirmed that I'll not go for the surgery option, but to opt for the more conservative approach. Yes, will need to live with a bit of the deformity on my right.

"Re-dressed" - this time, for 3 weeks in a row... not advisable to open up for checking or cleaning as it would disrupt the stability and growth. This time choose blue - more "sustainable" - to manage the "dirt". 

Last stop... at the Pharmacy... to standby painkillers... just in case...

[F-Diary] #15a MON 9 SEP - School Reopens!

School reopens today - but I did not report to school.

It's not the first time in my teaching career.

  • The first time was back in NAS (1st day of the academic year) - I had chickenpox after returning from the Spain/ Portugal trip. There was a change in school leadership that year (BK).
  • The second time I could recall was in SST (LC's time) before Covid 19 years (again, 1st day of the academic year) - when my eyes, for unknown reasons turned red, which to-date, I think it was the side effect of the flu vaccine I took in Dec that year.
  • This is probably the 3rd time, I could recall (absent from 1st day of the last term of the year), due to an injury.
But, I woke up early today - not because I forget it is a non-school day (for me), but to hand a set of marked assignments to Ruth to help deliver to school.

Thankful for this colleague, despite of her busyness...  dropping by mum's place at 6am.🧙🧹

Sunday, September 08, 2024

[F-Diary] #14c SUN 8 SEP - Miss Saigon

It's the 2nd time I watch the musical. The last time was also in Singapore, and I could not recall when or where it was... but it was so long ago. I could vaguely recall the story line. I guess what drew me there in the past was because of its stage set-up, hey, in which musical would one finds a helicopter on the stage? Of course we know it's a famous production that receives good feedback. Unlike Les Miserable or Phantom of the Opera, none of the songs registered in my head.

Indeed, I thought quite hard before clicking the payment button. It was in May, when I bought tickets to several show this year, that time was thinking of treating it like a compensation for not travelling out of Singapore in June. The date is the last day of the Sep holidays - to mark the end of the school holiday. From another perspective, it's like giving myself a treat before another crazy term starts.

Briefly, it's a tragic love story as a result of the America's involvement in the Vietnam war. It probably resonates many real cases - when the American soldiers fathered children with Vietnamese women. Kim and Chris are probably one of the many couples who fall in love and bear children, whom many Vietnamese would have hoped that it opens up a channel for them to leave the country. Yes, it reflects another reality - the Vietnamese' America dream. This stronger desire not only consistently portrayed by the pimp, who called himself "the engineer"; but also in the last scene where Kim would rather sacrifice herself so that Chris would bring the child back to America.

yup, I just learnt that Saigon is the name of the current Ho Chi Minh City.

[F-Diary] #14b SUN 8 SEP - Out, unaccompanied

It sounded a bit unbelievable - but it is true, regardless how old we are, in the eyes of a mum, a child is a child, regardless how independent we are. What's more when the child is unwell.... there it goes, you may call her a control freak, but that's how mum's love is expressed - becoming very protective, definitely- regardless how old she is, or how old her child is... that's love 💕 

At last, today, I got the permission to travel by the public transport, after giving her the re-assurances, and applying my forte, presented to her my well thought through plan. Haha... a close to 55 years of age needing to seek clearance to travel! It sounds ridiculous to many, I supposed but come to think about it, it's happiness, it's a blessing. Isn't it?

You can't believe it - the "what a relief" look at her face when I return in one piece 🤣

[F-Diary] #14a SUN 8 SEP

It's close to 2 weeks since. 

One of those rare mornings that I left my place early to go to my Tampines.

Over these 2 weeks, I'm learning a bit more from some Grab drivers as this becomes the most convenient means to commute. Some are more chatty... who would share some challenges they face in their business. 

This morning is a Comfort cab - learnt that they would need to flag the meter when the journey commences, unlike the flat rate, Just Grab. The driver forgot to flag it down when we started the journey. He was a bit nervous and tried to explain the situation to me. I guess he was worried that I would stick to the meter fare, approximately $2 less. I guess he probably came across unreasonable passengers before. Well, yes, there are people out there who would feeling good over such small "wins" from those who earn a living via hard work ☹️

If I were stingy, I wouldn't even request the service.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

[F-Diary] #9 TUE 3 SEP - An encouraging start for the day

Flipped the book that I bought some time ago - ALL ALONG YOU ARE BLOOMING Thoughts of boundless living...

I hope that I can really do somethings that I did not gret the time to do or I procrastinated... it's like a second chance given to me... I am grateful to this second chance... to pause, to stocktake, to catch up...


Monday, September 02, 2024

[F-Diary] #8c MON 2 SEP - back at NUH

Was back at NUH... This time, to the main building which will be a place I frequent in weeks to come - for review and rehabilitation. 

The wait was long. 
Had my blood pressure measured first... then saw the doctor.

After 1 week... the right hand and wrist area at last got to see light and breathe some fresh air. Looked ok as there wasn't any open wound, fortunately. 

I was quite shocked when the doctor told me that I would need to undergo surgery because the fracture was bad, and it was necessary to recover mobility. What made puzzled was she was looking at the X-ray taken before the A&E doctors attempted to treat it. OK, thanks for informing and now I know how serious the fall was.... but, what did the X-ray taken after the pull was done? You did not even look at it and started telling me the need to go under the knife? I can't believe it!

The surgery would involve a "tiny" method piece to support/ uphold or strengthen the wrist. The thought of having a method piece to be inserted was really a big turn-off.

The entire conversation followed was focused on addressing my fear, trying to convince me the benefits - which not much of the difference. Indeed, I was more anxious on when it will get healed and the amount of time that is needed to rehabilitate, whether the intensive marking will make delay the recovery or have any negative impact to the healing. Proposals like extending timelines and reallocation of load didn't register well with me. I felt there is a communication breakdown. I felt that she seemed to be pushing her "agenda" when she wasn't even armed with the relevant information! 

The next thing is... to do an X-ray to see how far it has progressed, after being on a half cast for a week. 

While waiting to do the X-ray, trying to warm up the fingers with some gestures that the doctor advised...  

Photos taken before going for the X-ray to check on the progress

X-Ray on 2 Sep shows pretty good progress. Indeed, I have the A&E doctors (Dr Kong and Dr Poh) to thank. Also, Dr Lim's re-assurance when I returned to the hospital that very evening. To Dr Gupta, it was a surprise that the bones were quite nicely aligned now, tilted at a reasonable 22-degree angle. She no longer pushed for surgery. She even offered the option of using the removal plastic cast that can be removed for cleaning, as compared to a hard cast. The degree of seriousness seemed to swing to the other end! I was quite relieved.

Very quickly, Dr Ellen Lee, the senior doctor dismissed the use of the removal cast as the wound would still need the support for the bones to grow. Immobilisation with hard cast is necessary at. this phase. 

The next question sound valid - on the intensity of work that my wrist needs to handle. While it will not be back into its original condition, the surgery will help to handle work of greater intensity like doing intensive work like lots of frying/ cooking and cleaning. It seems to me the more labour intensive work. Of course, the bone that faces the table might made its presence more felt as it's no longer fully in place.

A comparison - before and after:

I requested to have some time to think first though I know I'm against the surgery option. From experience, I also learnt that I must never close my door entirely. I'll be back next Monday to have it X-rayed again, to see its progress. Deep inside, I think I have faith with the work by the A&E doctors. Nonetheless, just wait for another 7 days...

Here, doing the hard cast. The technician, Azeem was a bit surprised that I q=would be back to remove the cast in a week's time. 

Nevertheless, he gave good advice to handle the cast, and reminders (and reasons and implications) on why it is necessary to "uphold" my right elbow - to prevent blood clots. Also the reminders to do simple stretching exercises for the fingers. Thanks for the patience to answer my questions!

Will be back in a week's time.

[F-Diary] #8b MON 2 SEP - Nice catch-up...

Am grateful for the catch-up lunch... thanks for the special arrangement, Rachel and Hui Min. 
Grateful for the friendship forged through our work in the digital citizenship committee.

1st time eating out after the accident. 1st time eating at the NUS Alumni House.

[F-Diary] #8a MON 2 SEP - Back in school...

Many things in my head:
  • Wanted to tidy up my table... though I know my table is not too messy but it is cluttered with things. Obviously, I should tidy up the place, at least to ensure it is a place where the relief teacher can use.
  • Needed to ensure that the relief teacher is ready to start work on day 1 - fortunately, it is not the first period of the day.
  • Returning the work to students is at the back of my mind... the promise to return the work in a timely manner for revision.
  • Will I be able to finish marking the remaining stuff or need to trouble someone to bring it back or I have to make another trip?

Nice to catch up with some colleagues and grateful for their well wishes.... also, for a moment, I learnt that I just joined "informally" - a "fractured community in SST". Am really grateful to theses colleagues, whom some I hardly spoke to, come forward to offer words of comfort and tips to take care, and their experiences - to this youngest member of the fractured community. ♥️

One of the first things to do is to give out the "belated" Teachers' Day gift, prepared a few months ahead... unfortunately, for two, I had not written my words of gratitude and encouragement - a lesson learnt, do not wait as we don't know what's going to happen next... but fortunately, I get to hand the books to them personally as they happened to be back in the first day of the staff protected period.

For close to 2 hours, I got the stuff organised... am happy ☺️
Next, to get ready my little notes to brief the relief teacher.

I left at around 12 n👀n.