Saturday, December 30, 2006

Recollections: 2006

  1. Blogging
  2. Out of my Comfort Zone
  3. Wearing a Different Hat
  4. Smell the Flowers
  5. By Default???
  6. The Withered Trees
  7. No rush, no rush...
  8. 22 March
  9. Wind Rain No Change
  10. SQ: Smile Quotient
  11. Charges for Water
  12. Points of View: 2 Stories
  13. Spastic Children
  14. When I see the airplanes land...
  15. The musical - Grease
  16. It's Monday... It's Midweek... It's Friday!
  17. My Mood (I)
  18. 1st September... Teachers' Day
  19. The Newspapers Distributor
  20. "Thank You" for giving up the seat
  21. Technology has created an impact on the way we teach and learn
  22. The GAP
  23. "Gracious Act" in #29
  24. "Gracious" Teachers
  25. Notre Dame de Paris (12 Nov 2006)
  26. 执著, 是为了。。。。
  27. Isn't that troublesome?
  28. The flowers bloom again ^.^
  29. 周處除三害
  30. Christmas... what it means to me
  31. Is "Queuing-Up" in Singaporean's DNA?
  32. There's a difference

Other Blogs:

There's a difference

Advertisement - is a channel to market a product, to bring across an idea. It appears in different medium, too.

More often than not, it will carry a picture of the product... and of course, the specifications, and sometimes, the cost, too... oh yes, pictures of satisfied users. Hardware - how's the product 'sold' in the advertisement? With the picture and its specs, right? All of us are so familiar with those of the telcos as well as PCs.

How about camera? Well, it has the advantage to 'tap' on this old saying "A picture speaks a thousand words"! However, the most interesting and tastefully advertisements that I see so far, is from the National Geographic. The duration spent on reading its advertisements (of similar or even the same product when printed in other places like the newspapers) is very much longer. There are more than 5 advertisements on the different brands of cameras in the December issue of the magazine, however, it's not tiring or one does not get bored when reading them all... Also realised something, all these advertisements are tied to the theme of the magazine - Nature, at least, that many used. It's not just advertisements, but it talks about the facts and information that one can draw from the pictures.

Another interesting one (in the same magazine) was that of the airlines. It brings out the 'socio-conscious' thinking that it promotes within its organisation. It does not just 'sell' the product - the flying service, but the value, the thinking, the culture that it hopes (or already) to achieve within its organisation. Though the advertisement, it offers the readers different perspectives. Or it's urging readers to see that they are different? Simple words, but powerful :D

Is "Queuing-Up" in Singaporean's DNA?

This strikes me when recently, it somehow becomes a 'pattern' I see while at public places here, in Singapore... or perhaps this aspect has drawn my attention as see more of the positive practice (behaviour) when I was overseas.

Within 6 months, have been to Taiwan, London and Japan - so, it's not just in particular to Asian society! As a traveller, though such local behaviour normally does not draw my attention, but probably because in these trips, I have the opportunity to move around in public transport, hence creating a closer encounter with the local people.

One thing common in all cities, where I draw comparison, is the public transport. Yes, the train - be it MRT, Underground, etc. Well, there are 'lines' on the ground to guide people. Indeed, in Tokyo, it's really just a line, without any arrows or regions, as we have here in Singapore. And mind you, the cities I am comparing are much more populated than Singapore. Certainly, the crowd in the stations are far worse. However, no matter how hurried they are, they queue! More importantly, they don't plant themselves right in front of the door, which is what we always see in Singapore! It looks like Singaporeans have no sense of 'directions'. We don't understand that fact that if there's 'outflow', there's no space for external entities to flow in! Such a simple logic yet we don't seem to understand. How embarassing!

Of course, another very different observation was keeping to the 'left/right' rule. It's so automatic... that the locals by default will make an immediate decision which side to take... what happens in Singapore? Well, just go to the MRT station and take a look... It seems like we've yet figure out where's our left or right! Another embarassing thing to sigh...

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas... what it means to me

Christmas... what it means to me??? What it means to one who has no religious connection to the day?

I guess, it's a time to catch up with friends, to say 'hi' to someone whom we often 'claim' no time to talk to or have nothing much to update... It's also time to renew our friendship, to let our friends know that we remember them... and we bother...

I guess it's this little touch that sometimes warm each other's hearts, that makes the day of our friends... yes, something that is free, but powerful enough to brighten one's day :D

eCard has been a popular option to 'send' cards to friends... yes, still remember the year when the hallmark website was 'jammed'... yes, I like hallmark... I guess it's the design... and also its long-known name on the hardcopies - it's known to be a class by itself! But after a while, I realise, I find more through sending hardcopy cards... yes, sounds funny...

It's always very heartwarming to receive news, be it long or short, it could be just a couple of words, it could be long stories... from friends... no matter what, it simply tells, they remember me... and they bother :D

This was especially so in days when I was at Paro, where both email and snail-mail were not very accessible... a mail simply gave me a strange feeling that, at the moment, I was connected to the real world! I like snail mail because it's something I could touch and feel and keep... and yes, it's the personalised handwriting... I think it makes a difference!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


放这个话题,是突然有感而发的。 仔细想想,其实,亦有点滑稽。但,再想想,其实,并非,那是的的确确的, 是真实的,时实在的。

根据故事,他,就是三害中的最厉害的那个。但,故事也说,他,要改过自新,所以自告奋勇,要去为村民除害。他,做梦也没想到,自己居然就是三害之一。那, 刹那间,成了最残酷的事实!



然而,当身边的周处尽力去改善时,我们却带着怀疑的眼光,处处猜疑。。。 是否过分了些呢?或许,我们应该用较宽容的心去对“周处”吧!给予 “周处”一个机会吧!