Thursday, August 29, 2024

[F-Diary] #4 THU 29 AUG - A different Teachers' Day "celebration"

Teachers' Day Celebration is never something that's extraordinary to me - through many see it as a day that their students show gratitude. Hm... I envy? Not really. It goes back to what I believe in. Teachers' Day could fall on any day - that makes me feel having made a significant impact on others. 

We don't really need a day to remind others so show gratitude, I feel. I don't need a day when those who have made me upset, angry and tired of chasing work from them to ask for forgiveness or to "thank" me for teaching them. 


It would be a real celebration when it comes from those who genuinely feel so. Today, I could hardly see this - from most students. You are given a present because it's a day marked out for those who follow the crowd to go through the motion. Because it's a day when all are reminded it's time when I should give my teacher something because it's a day marked out so. What's valuable - to me - is the thought behind, to express the appreciation and being able to articulate why this token of appreciation. "Happy Teachers' Day" is easy to say...  We hear lots of these from students on the celebration day - how many today truly knows what it means when saying this to someone. How many of these "Happy Teachers' Day" sound really sincere? deep from the heart? Hm.... 

The choice of gift... need not be expensive. It could be just a handwritten card... with some heartfelt words written. That suffice. to me more practical - save me from wasting time chasing work from you. 

Genuine or not, I believe the recipient can feel it.


I can't recall.... since when, I started to give my jobholders or partners-at-work books as Teachers' Day gift. Books require one to curate its suitability. It also carries the message that I hope to convey, some messages or encouragement that they can interpret when they read. While I like to tell others that I like to buy and shelf, and only read when the need arises, I read/ went through all the books that I gave out as Teachers' Day gift because I think the messaging is important - and I trust that, if the reader has read it and if we have built the kind of relationship and partnership, no matter how simple the "picture" book is, he/ she would have felt it as they "chew" through the words or the pictures it carries.

To get books, it cannot be a last minute purchase, it has to be planned. It is intended... and books are not cheap, actually - but it carries weight that one can keep and revisit...

These are the books I gave this year. 

and one more...  for someone who's been in close genuine  partnership since the early years here - picked something that I hope to further encourage someone I value a lot here. 

I penned words of gratitude in those for my JHs since the books arrived in early Term 3. Yes, it was even in time for one who left in end-July. The book went to her. The books were just waiting for the occasion to be given out to create a bigger meaning to them (that I hope to). Nevertheless, I procrastinated for the ones meant for the SLs. Actually, it's about procrastinated to put my words in gratitude properly... as a result, it's the first time I gave a book without a single ink mark left on it. I learnt - just do it... and live like no tomorrow... accidents do happen - and it has deprived my ability to write proper these few weeks. 

Do I only give "presents" on Teachers' Day? 
Bitesize encouragements and token of gratitude go out as and when it's possible.
I also learn to manage - not to overdo it - though I wanted to thank people, but I don't want them to take it for granted.
Over the years, I also learnt to be more explicit on telling people what's this little token meant for... because of their hard work, their contribution and for their well being.
I notice some people don't know that it's a token of appreciation or expression of care.
Sometimes, people don't reciprocate - hm... maybe we have not truly established that relationship yet. Nevermind, I've expressed what I wish to.... 


A very pleasant surprise came from a colleague who loves to bring food to the table on days that we need some warmth and care... I did not expect this... so thoughtful of her for the treat. I was not left forgotten... Really appreciate it to ensure that I had a share of the food (from her own pocket)! Thank you,  Lai Fong 🙏

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