Saturday, October 12, 2024

[F-Diary] #48 MON 12 OCT - Morning Walk

Having rested for close to 2 months, had my morning walk for the first time since the injury. The feel and smell of sweat is a welcoming one 😅

No longer worry about the sweaty arms as I'm already free from the cast. The brace is removal... 

The northern sky is a bit hazy...


Monday, October 07, 2024

[F-Diary] #43b MON 7 OCT - My 2nd Physiotherapy session

Arrived at the dot: 4pm... and ended up to be the last patient to leave, at close to 5.30pm. 

Spoke to Karen, the occupational therapist. Hm... I felt like I'm more eager to report back on what I did over the past one week, hoping to hear some affirmation of the efforts made to stretch and loosen the stiffness a bit. 

I was quite proud to show that my thumb can now touch the 4th finger, but still struggle to touch the little finger or the pinkie. Also clarified a couple of the exercises that I was a bit reserved to exert hand/ wrist.

Some angles were measured... slight improvement... strength test was the one that's not quite ideal - the grip with left hand at 10 while right hand only 2. A lot more to do.....

Learnt a series of new exercises

The survey before the therapy session... 

Here's the therapy treatments assigned for the next close to 45 min

palm up

Palm facing out... did not fare as good as the previous

The hammer stretch... that applies the physics principles of level to manage weight  by shifting the weight along the handle.

The last one is the playdoh - to press the various parts of the fingers against it to strengthen them with resistance. 

[F-Diary] #43a MON 7 OCT - Officially, I'm back....

Officially, today, I'm back in school. 

I had collected 2 sets of exam papers home last Friday but only marked 2 out of 3 questions. Slower than I thought I could...

Today is marking day... so, it's quite peaceful, though started gearing up with more interaction, and following-up of work... 😬 that takes no time to adjust... but immediate!

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

[F-Diary] #38 WED 2 OCT - Out for errands...

At last, getting my haircut after more than 1.5 months. It's time to trim and get refreshed. Rested at the hair spa segment. Felt good. 

Next is to go see the doctor. I was down to the last flu tablet, but the nose was still congested - Decold did not work for me. Thought of asking the doctor to strike it off my prescription list, But Dr Ng was patient enough to tell me more about the medicine. I was a bit surprised when he said "it's a potent medicine". It's a strong one, which implied the flu was serious to warrant one? but it seemed that my body was immune to it, I told him. Interesting, he told me ... be patient. It would take a week to 10 days to recover.

It concludes with a trip to the bank... oh... to update my bank book... the last time it was updated was more than a decade ago! Time flies! 

Monday, September 30, 2024

[F-Diary] #36 MON 30 SEP - The Day....

Reported to Counter C, another clinic which looks more cosy than the main area.

Today is the day to remove the cast. Today is the day when the covered area gets to see light after 5 weeks. 

This is the only photo with my Doraemon forearm. Am still masked up as I've not recovered from flu yet. 

Just before the 3-week old cast is 'cut'.... 

Removed!  The first thing is looked. at my hand, though the focus is actually the wrist. The palm thumb area is dry... as expected, but did not expect it to peel immediately. The discomfort - the roughness. 

The main area looks ok ... though the arm hair at the covered area needed to be awoken, I supposed. 

Yeah! The forearm looks normal 👍 though I could feel the weakness.

The X-ray on 30 Sep has not shown much difference, compared to the previous X-ray.

... compared what's on 9 Sep, the difference though not significant but can see the closing up at the healing part 😌

The hand is really weak... or psychologically, I'm afraid - to hold any weight. The weight of approx 750g almost dropped. But becomes quite comfortable as it rested on the arc between the thumb and the1st finger.

What needed to be done: Strength the fingers to gain mobility. Also to train up the strength and my writing, too - which obviously is badly affected, I believe.

Saw the occupational therapist. Christina was very patient and gentle, and to the details, and very comforting. 

Among the first things she did was to measure the wrist diameter. The circumference of my right (affected) wrist is 1cm more than my left. It's still swollen. It's normal.

A series of the simple exercises is expected... stretching exercises involving the entire arms. Then the finger exercises. I think I can do the first few quite regularly. 

Have chosen a nearer date to return for the next therapy session... next Monday.
Hopefully can see some good process.

Received this 3-fold double page leaflet. 
It look like... it's a common injury

Friday, September 27, 2024

[F-Diary] #33 FRI 27 SEP - Flu caught up with me!

I knew it was coming... but I thought I held it up quite well in the past few days, the droplets from the nose was minimal. Today, I knew, it's unavoidable. I need to go see the doctor ... as I'm left with only 1 week to nurse my flu. 

I thought the number went quite fast, but somehow it was stuck at the number just before mine! I wonder what went on.....  

I had fever, running nose, sore throat and cough - all symptoms of a flu, obviously. 
Had this pretty "interesting" medication - it's both for aches and also acts as a muscle relaxant. See the colour? I wonder if it's expected each time. take a blue an a white one?

Had an MC for FRIDAY, which will not be put to use - not because I don't want to rest from work ... but it overlaps with my hospitalisation leave. 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

[F-Diary] #32 THU 26 SEP - From Daniel Pink... Decision making strategy

In the most recent Pink Cast, Daniel Pink shared the 9-word question could transform decision-making is "What would I tell my best friend to do?"

Reason being, we are good at advising others what to do when challenged to make a decision - from a third person perspective, I supposed. However, we seldom look inward to give the same advice. I guess, it's when we tend not to exercise our troubled mind in a rational manner when clouded with the issue. This advice/ suggestion, I think is similar to the advice on why we should not send an email reply when we are still emotional over the episode/ encounter that just happened - there's always this cooling period which we should observe. Reason being, at that point, we could not or would not be able to think clearly or rationally in order to respond appropriately. 

I think, more to the point would be - keep calm (or calm ourselves down first), then lay the issue out and if necessary, dissect the question carefully, then list down the pros and cons systematically and clearly - which is essential for us to weigh with informed (potential) consequence of our choices. I guess, that's why a genuine friend would do - help the friend to think when he/ she is unable to do the thinking properly. However, don't forget that - we could be making assumptions, too.... the lack of info that could be critical to the choice! Hence, probing responses would be critical to be helpful. On the other hand, when we apply the same for ourselves, we are fully aware the limitations behind the possible moves. 


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

[F-Diary] #31b WED 25 SEP - Marathon Meetings

It's been a long time since... that my schedule for the day is packed with just meetings... back to back... Those were the hay days - where I was managing several FS@SG projects, meetings after meetings... evolving plans and implementations. Indeed, I quite enjoy those days, though they were stressful and jam-packed. 

Actually, I enjoyed that!

Yesterday, have 6 meetings back-to-back, except one with an hour break in-between. Time flew. 

Today's meeting indeed is more intensive, and I'm involved in 4 items, of which 3 solo pieces :)

Is it payback time? Hm... my payback time? OR those who need to do some work's payback time? I don't know... but what I know is, anything not done will contribute to "payback"... and it could be extremely stressful.

Strangely, it's a sense of achievement at the end of each day, after seeing so much could be accomplished. 


[F-Diary] #31a WED 25 SEP - Ops! The MRT train is stalled

Took this photo while waiting for transport to go home after the day's meeting. 

The train was there since morning, around 9.30 am - due to power trip caused by a faulty train that had served for more than 30 years. Hm... I can't believe it! More than 30 years? We are testing the endurance of the public transport... ok... land public transport? OR It's the confidence we had on the product. Cars have a certain lifespan - which had to be scrapped after they "expired" (a term I borrowed from my Bhutanese students). Buses, too, I believe. Airplanes, definitely - in Singapore. "Old" enough planes are sold off to others. What's the average age of the SIA fleet? I believe it's less than 15 years! To maintain that kind of standard known worldwide.

Why an over 30-year-old train is still in service while the new trains were progressively brought into service. Very puzzling (?).  

Sunday, September 22, 2024

[F-Diary] #28 SUN 22 SEP - 4 full weeks

Time flies.

I have been on hospitalisation leave for 4 full weeks!

I thought I could accomplish a lot of things (other than work) when it just started.

Not really... I've been quite busily engaged with work.

Life is never dull. The only concern is... too little time to do what's needed to be done - some of these are meaningful works that I do not wish to be left out.

Living life to the fullest possible - though at a slower pace...