Sunday, April 21, 2013

"Perseverance" by Margaret J Wheatley (p95): Why Stay

I guess what's described at the beginning of this article echoes what our thoughts, especially when we are frustrated and sometimes depressed?

As highlighted in the 3rd paragraph, the answer comes from "Why are we here, in the first place?" Have we already made the significant difference or accomplished what motivated us to be here? Or have we been distracted/ blinded by the obstacles/ disillusions that were created by the 'blocks' that appear along the way? 

Hm... Food for Thought...

"Perseverance" by Margaret J Wheatley (p102): Choice

I wish I could be as zen :)
Occasionally, we are surrounded by bitter voices around.
Well, take this as a challenge like the sound described in the story.
It's a test to our steadfastness.
Stay focused... and focus on why we are doing what we are doing :)

"Perseverance" by Margaret J Wheatley (p89): Blame

The author started to claim it's a western culture, which I disagree... In fact, I believe, this characteristic of 'blaming' takes place everywhere, it's irregardless of culture, race or nation. It's a human nature? I think.
On the other hand, sometimes I think the environment plays a critical role in shaping the 'degree' of "blaming" mindset an individual has.

As pointed out by the author, "It's never just one person's fault, no matter how terrible or nasty they are." However, the author did not highlight the fact that the individual sometimes fail to see that they contributed to the outcome they face as well.

I think this has become prominent amongst today's youngsters who usually deal with just "You" or "Me". It's therefore important to 'train' our kids since young to cultivate a more encompassing mindset. That's part of the holistic development of a child :)

"Perseverance" by Margaret J Wheatley (p34,35): Righteous Anger

Some anger are 'well deserved', as pointed out by the author. E.g. Confronted by injustice & oppression, one will naturally feel the right to be angry. There are also people who are 'motivated' by anger - their sense of outrage seems to "energize" them and propels them to join ever more causes.

Well, well, this can turn out to be good, however, when it generates negative energy, it not only harms oneself, but also blinds and harms others around them. Anger clouds our perception; and often separates us from the solutions to the problems that makes us angry.

In fact, I'm "privileged" enough to have such encounter in this "life time". I could see the damage that anger did to the individual, and how the individual attempted to influence the perceptions of people around them! That's scary, but it's an eye-opener to see how "vicious" one can become!

As the author rightly concluded, "There's no such thing as righteous anger. Anger in any form only makes us blind."

Food for Thought...

"Perseverance" by Margaret J Wheatley (p83): Stupidity

I think what's written resonates with many of us, that sometimes we just want to pull our hair out because of some people's "stupidity". So, it goes back to the failure to "connect" - different "frequencies" - different values system, mindsets, norms. We basically cannot change as it's beyond us!

As highlight in the last two paragraphs, let's be patient with these people and yes, I agree compassion will have to come in, to pity those who are ignorant and lack of the ability to assess the situation around them and present their appropriate self :)

"Perseverance" by Margaret J Wheatley (p24): Never too late

What matters?
Persevere, and remain true to our beliefs :)

"Perseverance" by Margaret J Wheatley (p147): Five Strengths

They seem to be 5 different strengths... read closer, they build on each other to move to the next level as we seek deeper within our inner self... from basic to beyond-self...
Where are ourselves at this point?

"Perseverance" by Margaret J Wheatley (p127): The Path

How we grow... as we learn through our experiences and gain wisdom to build our inner strengths...

"Perseverance" by Margaret J Wheatley (p144,145): Fruition

More often than not, we aim for the end-product; guided by the notion of "begin with an end in mind". How often, we say we are happy to see our efforts bear fruits. 

On the other hand, as pointed out in this article, what's more valuable (irregardless of success or failure) is the process. The 'growing & ripening' process. 

When we succeed, we celebrate.
When we fail, how often do we remember to celebrate the learning gained through the process?

"Perseverance" by Margaret J Wheatley (p134): Groundedness

The fundamentals...

"Perseverance" by Margaret J Wheatley (p113): Experiments

What's the constraint? or... who manages the constraints before we can free ourselves up?