Saturday, October 27, 2012

Blogging on the Move

This is my first trial post from mobile blogger (from my iPhone) to include the location in the post... To test out an alternative method to tell the world that I'm on the move :)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

2 weeks ago this time...

Went to the Airport apps. the display showed the departure flight to Narita. I was at Changi airport, just checked in for my flight to New York.
Indeed, this trip reminded me of my study trip to London in 2007 with SS :)

(Note: first posting from my mobile phone blogger apps)

Sunday, October 07, 2012




在仔细地看看周围的人,很多时候,都因为生活素质的改善而开始追逐更好的东西。当让,那也包括了名牌。那是最直接的追逐!我也不否认,因为经济的允许,我也会挑剔地选择了一些牌子。当然,每个人都有选择牌子的权利。即使最便宜的,它,还是有牌子的。譬如说,母亲那一代用的"雪花膏"与今天较为普遍的Loreal,和"更"名牌的Estée Lauder 与SK II - 都有人用。它们的价格,可是天渊之别;但它们都有自己的市场。当然,原因可能有二:使用者的经济能力(有的是可能渴望但负担不起),使用者对物质的概念(可用,可达到基本的要求就好了)。其实,我认为,只要认识到大环境,不是过分奢侈就好了。



Isn't this a 'need' vs a 'want'?






Tuesday, October 02, 2012

My "Happy-Buy" in this NYC Trip... ChromeBook

This is one of the rare few items that I had the urge to buy... :)
It's not because I am a fan of new electronics stuff, which most of my friends knew or those who do not know me so well assumed that I do :P One of the 'evidences' is I only own my iPhone 4S after almost 6 months after it was released; and I think probably I'll 'skip' the next couple of 'versions'/'models' before I move on to another one.

I don't have an eye for electronics, and I hardly go for the latest... the "buy" is largely derived from "needs"; and even if it's a "want", it's after much thinking... and certainly, I'm never one of those who would line up outside the store for any new release :)

The Chromebook, on the other hand, has caught my attention when it was first introduced by Suan Yeo in one of our discussions in the school. Definitely, in terms of weight, it does not qualify if one is looking for portability. In terms of look... hm... it looked like a normal notebook. So, not attractive, right? In fact, it was 'lacking' to a large extent, for those who likes to work with applications in the computer.

On the other hand, I guess it's the simple and minimalistic feature that caught my attention - of course, not for my personal use, but for my nephew and even possibly my parents - people who do not require much computing power, but just to surf the web! That's beautiful isn't it? It saved us the hassle of making sure the latest anti-virus software to be updated (when you talk about everything's in the web); and another feature I like most is... I'm free from the hassle of upgrading the OS all the time - the different versions of Windows, or the different 'animals' (in the Mac OS)! This, in fact, is the greatest 'draw' :)

Unfortunately, such device is not available in the Singapore store. Haiz... and probably will not be shipped over to Singapore (owing to the fact that it's an electronic item that comes with battery). Actually, I learnt that it's not easy to get it in US too... But, thanks to Aurelius who actually hunt the Chromebook down - at "Best Buy"... I guess, it's my happiest buy in this trip... not that I've gotten something ahead of others, but it's something that I see is designed to suit the needs of a specific group of users very well.

Chromebook could be the trendsetter of how most users are going to behave (moving into cloud) in the near future; I still believe that non-cloud devices are still here to stay. Basically, it serves a growing niche of clientele.