However, discover something interesting as I zoom into one spot in Singapore that someone has visited... after zooming in... notice that the spot comes from the sea! Oops! Who could that be??? I wonder...
Yes, there's always a first... the first time I do this, the first time I come across this, the first time I make a different decision, the first time I take a different route,.......... "Growth means change & Change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown" (George Shinn) 从来,没有想过可以滔滔不绝,口若悬河, 既然可顺口成章!哈!或许,心情,随着年龄的年长,越来越容易带动情绪。。。
...It's a tree? It's art!...
Was wondering why some sections of the cabins were so empty before the train came to a stop. Truth unveiled when the train door opened. Instead of the usual 6 rows of seats, it left with only 4! It's as good as reducing almost 20 seats per cabin!
No doubt this is a quick & easy way to increase carry-capacity, has SMRT seen from the commuters' perspective? Will one day we ended up in a totally empty cabin? What an irony compared to the early days when MRT was first introduced in Singapore! So much talk about the kind of seats in the cabin, with/without cushion, plastic, etc...
Take a look at some of the facilities that other overseas train services provide - for instance, in the London Underground, though it's old and usually packed, it even offers 'flip seats! That's about flexibility!
Others.... "literally" and "ironically" when they are used out of context....
Look at the list... hm... at least... I've used 4 out of 9 this week :P Oops!
Sometimes, just wonder... is it that I've a limited vocabulary of words/expressions... or these are the expressions in their simplest form already?
Of course, there are also some other messages that get us to ponder. For instance,
This musical is pretty different from the previous ones... a mixture of puppets and human beings... The songs are good... the voices of the performers are good and strong! Though some take on the role of the puppets, the emotions and feelings... er... the soul of the character are fully portrayed through the facial expressions and body language... It's by far, one of the rare productions that comes with little props but I enjoyed...
再看看他们所穿的鞋子,倒是多姿多彩的。。。也发现到,不少的女士们,穿的都是露出脚趾的鞋子 - 不论是平底的,还是高跟的。
自小,就不爱穿露出脚趾的鞋子。总是怕被别人踩到脚趾;另外,也曾经因为穿日本拖鞋而擦伤了脚。。。当然, 也不怎么喜欢那脚跟离鞋的感觉。。。当然,也是欠缺那种“安全感”。。。This is the article that fronted the "Recruit" section of the Straits Times this morning.
It a way, the word "Rumour" comes with a negative connotation. Normally it's bad... well, that's also the message that article sends across! It's damaging and destructive! Ah! It's so dangerous!
It influences one's thinking as well as others and could snowball to create an impact! just because of some "tweak" in truth! As the article pointed out, this "tweak" is not necessary caused by 'wrong' info, but it could due to wrong emphasis (due to some bias perception).
As mentioned in the first paragraph, "rumours constitute a feature of any social environment". Hahah... it sounds as if no social environment is spared from it! Why this 'devil' exists? In fact, any environment that is first created is "pure" (as it's empty). So, believe it's the 'devil' that's hidden in the entities that made up this environment. That's people! So, we are the ones who brought this 'devil' with us? Of course, it needs two hands to make a clap!
In fact, this belief challenges who Confucius said, "人之初,性本善" (Yahoo! Babel Fish: at the beginning of the human, the nature is originally friendly). If one's nature is friendly or harmless... then where the evil comes from? Chim!!!
The next paragraph explained that rumours are essentially unsubstantiated and incomplete information passed by word of mouth and subject to distortion. Oh yes, in this high-tech world, it's not only by a word of mouth, but visuals and media made it deceivingly believable! Scary, isn't it? Mankind is really intelligent!!! Some rumours turn into legends! (eg. the UFOs related stories!)
To help curb this problem (see, we can't possibly prevent 'cos we can't control what others do!), chinese have a saying, "谣言止于智者" (Yahoo! Babel Fish: The rumor stops in the wise). That's where we have to exercise our wisdom and practise what is right (our righteousness and integrity!). Of course, it's important that we are able receive the inputs objectively and filter it off.
As mentioned in the later part of the article, "people are more inclined to believe in a rumour in terms of its content and if it is communicated by someone whom they perceive as being credible". So, is it about information literacy? Could one decifer what's true from the mess of info available out there? Well, today, we still have teachers who would just lift anything from the internet and citing it as if it's true (without checking the reliability of the source)! That's dangerous!
Circulating rumours is definitely damaging to oneself and the others (including the organisation) - it also leads to the lack of trust among people and often second guess the genuine intent of things! That's disastrous... and I think, worst... it's self-destruction - emotionally...