I've never bothered what sea urchins are and what they are like... except that they are some kind of sea creatures and seem to be edible, vaguely recall seeing the word in Japanese resturants... hey, a key of sashimi? hahaha... Thanks to BY... now know it is actually 海胆 (that I thought I heard about it) and there's this new interest in getting to know it more because of BY's story.
BY shared... In a faraway ocean... there came 3 divers... among them, the most skilful one went deep and near the seabed while the 2 others swim at swallow waters... There, on the sea bed are 2 sea urchins - one big one small... crawling around... very slowly... blocking the diver's exploration of the sea bed.. and the diver was unhappy because these 2 sea urchins were obstacles to his way and for certain, in general, divers hate to encounter sea urchins 'cos they are irritating and inflexible... and could sting them (irriating enough though not deadly) ... to further, BY asked: Why must it be the world of divers and sea urchins... can't it be all 5 divers? So BY has made an analogy of the little world around us... and to an extent of the mini-culture around us?
In fact, I have
- one question... in the first place, why segregate the entities into 2 different types of 'creatures'? Is it necessary? In Chinese, we said, 一种米养百种人。So, in this world, one type of rice grain will feed hundreds types of people - there's much diversity in just one mankind.
- next question... what's the thinking behind of turning the 'sea urchins' into divers?
- Embrace diversity - The world is big - we are just 过客 (travellers) who rest at specific places for a specific period... nothing is permanent... in fact, we should embrace the difference we come across and see how much we can learn... from them, and through our interaction with them.. rather than hoping to get others to think, to behave like us... that reminds me of the story - Peacock in the Land of Penguins - On one hand, the penguins wanted to bring in new blood and new thinking, yet, all who come must put on the penguin suit.
- Respect diversity - Of course, there are times when we cross path, unavoidably... everyone is unique... each comes with his/her own belief, own personality, and each has his/her own style of working... and we have to recognise that it is something beyond our influence and in fact, we should respect this individual's space. Having to work in the same space, we should understand these differences and see how we could best manage them... in an objective manner, keeping in mind we should respect others' perspectives. There is also no point criticising behind the back of others (if there is???). There is no point being unhappy with others just because they do not possess the 'like' attributes... Be patient, be forgiving - not just to others ('cos the other party seem unable to eye to eye with us), but also to forgive ourselves for not able to put ourselves in others' shoes or mode of thinking...
- Cliques - There's this saying, Birds of the same feature flock together... but to put it more negatively, in chinese, there's this saying: 天下乌鸦一样黑。Oh yes, one could also argue - "Great minds" think alike. Just wonder, what positive energies do clinques contribute to the organisation's working culture? In fact, citing from my own experience, having been with a couple of organisation - I have yet seen any positive impact from cliques' behaviour to the organisation - in fact, time tells that it has a negative impact to others, to the environment... that I thought it was painful to see the changes it brought about... Observations also confirmed that, over time, cliques disintegrate... So, be it the "3 divers" clique or the "2 sea urchins" clique. Think about it? Which one exhibits the characteristics of a clique? When will a group 'qualify' for the title "clique"? I think, the most obvious is what one can see and hear... so, mind our language - not just the verbal language, but body language... That usually tells all...
- Role - Our role in the organisation is to...??? and is not to...??? what's the way to work? Think beyond the task... it's not just getting the job done... it's more to it... it's about being able to work with others with an open mind... do not "frame" how others work or behaviour based on own's observation and perception... Think this is really important. I think, more importantly is the integrity - not just on work, but on what stirs the thoughts...
So, enjoy the diversity in the nature world... all are part of one whole - there's no intruders to the quiet and natural way of life... there's no obstructors around... admire and appreciate the beauty around... what made up the beauty? Every single entity... So, be thankful to this rich and enlightening world ^.^